The HBO fantasy series takes very big and very exciting departures from the books with its latest episode’s crazy ending.
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‘Game Of Thrones’: 7 Burning Questions About ‘Oathkeeper’
The HBO fantasy series takes very big and very exciting departures from the books with its latest episode’s crazy ending.
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‘Game Of Thrones’: 7 Burning Questions About ‘Oathkeeper’
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The latest episode of “Game of Thrones” revealed shocking moments for fans of the TV show, and the books. Here’s our recap of “Oathkeeper.”
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‘Game Of Thrones’: All The Biggest Moments On ‘Oathkeeper’
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The latest episode of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta manages to further confirm that the struggle of this merry band of misfits is magnificent. From Joseline Hernandez two-piecing Che Mack to K. Michelle starting fights, episode seven was hitting on all f-ckery cylinders…. Continue Continue reading
Family feud over complexion issues??! Chantel Christie Regrets Talking to Laura Govan The latest episode of “Basketball Wives LA” took a deeper look inside the unstable relationship of Jackie Christie and her two daughters. Habitual line stepper, Laura Govan got into the mix when she got Jackie Christie ‘s daughter Chantel to confide in her about the emotional abuse brought upon on her and her sister Takari at the hands of Jackie throughout their childhood . Chantel discussed the mistreatment, Takari suffered because she was darker and bigger than her. Chantel now realizes that might not have been the smartest of ideas… Bill R. Ware / PR Photos/ Twitter
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Singer recalls a hazard of living out of your car on latest episode, airing Saturday at 11 a.m. ET/PT on MTV. By Shakira Atitebi T-Pain Photo: MTV News T-Pain wasn’t always living the lavish lifestyle he has now. The Auto-Tune pioneer opens up about his humble beginnings in this week’s episode of “When I Was 17,” airing Saturday at 11 a.m. ET/PT on MTV. “When I was 17, I was living in and out of my ’81 Oldsmobile Cutlass,” T-Pain said on the episode, also featuring Common and “Twilight” star Alex Meraz. “It was pretty beat-up on the outside and the inside, and it had a horrible smell,” T-Pain’s wife, Amber, added. T-Pain’s car put a roof over his head and provided a spot for romantic getaways. “I used to have sex in it a lot,” he offered up bluntly. During one steamy session, T-Pain and his girlfriend at the time were interrupted by intruders trying to break into the car. “It just so happened we were getting dressed,” he recalled. “This guy tries to get into this car.” T-Pain wasn’t worried; his car was filled with tools he could use to fight back. “I got crazy amount of just things in my car,” he said. “There’s some pipes, there’s a wrench. So I’m trying to pull my pants up and chuck this dude at the same time.” The intruder eventually walked away. T-Pain’s girlfriend at the time was frantic and asked him a very ridiculous question. “My girlfriend was screaming. The stupidest question she asked me of that night was, ‘Did you know that guy?’ And I’m like, ‘What? Why would I know this dude?’ ” T-Pain laughed. “When I Was 17” — this week featuring T-Pain, Common and Alex Meraz — airs Saturday at 11 a.m. ET/PT on MTV. Related Videos ‘When I Was 17’ Preview: T-Pain, Common And Alex Meraz Related Artists T-Pain
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T-Pain Fights Off Auto Intruders, On ‘When I Was 17’
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photo: Antonio Rojas This following is a guest post from author, barrister and international environmental lawyer Polly Higgins. TreeHugger recently reviewed Higgins’ newest book book Eradicating Ecocide . Colonialism by the Sea It was a surreal setting for the latest episode of the world’s climate negotiations: mega-all-inclusive exclusive hotels stretching the whole way along a 3 kilometre-long promontory, promoting themselves and their private stretches o… Read the full story on TreeHugger
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COP16: Cancun – Corporate and Complicit
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Watch Deadliest Warrior S2E11: Ming Warrior vs. Musketeer The latest episode of Deadliest Warrior
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Watch WWE Friday Night Smackdown! Season 12 Episode 24 – Big Red Rampage Tonight’s match up will be Jack Swagger going against Rey Mysterio, Layla battling Tiffany, Dolph Ziggler fighting inside the ring against Christian and lastly CM Punk going all out war with Big Show. The latest episode of WWE Friday Night Smackdown is the TV show’s 24th installment of the 12th season that aired last
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