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Skinfolk Ain’t Kinfolk: Latino Donald Trump Supporter Doesn’t Want ‘Taco Trucks On Every Corner’

Latinos for Trump founder @MarcoGutierrez : “you're gonna have taco trucks on every corner” #inners https://t.co/Vifo3q7Ah8 — All In w/Chris Hayes (@allinwithchris) September 2, 2016 Latino Trump Supporter Defends Donald Trump’s Position On Immigration It’s crazy what self-hate can do. Marco Gutierrez , the founder of “Latinos For Trump,” made some eye-poppingly ridiculous comments on MSNBC earlier tonight. Guitterrez, after Trump’s visit to Mexico, said his “people” were “dominant” and that if America didn’t keep them out there’d be “taco trucks on every corner.” Trump and Mexico haven’t been on the best of terms since he insisted that the Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto would pay for the wall to keep the “illegals” out. Nieto said in response that he “wasn’t going to build that f****** wall” via Complex GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s much-talked about visit to Mexico on Wednesday and his speech on U.S. immigration that followed apparently left out one important consequence should immigration continue: an invasion of taco trucks. Latinos for Trump founder Marco Gutierrez warned about the impending doom of “taco trucks on every corner.” But what about Trump-approved taco bowls? Marco Gutierrez, who it should be noted is Mexican himself, made the remark on MSNBC’s “All In with Chris Hayes” Thursday. “My culture is a very dominant culture,” Gutierrez said. “It’s imposing and it’s causing problems. If you don’t do something about it you’re gonna [sic] have taco trucks [on] every corner.” Trump, who has a documented history with Mexico, including calling Mexican immigrants to the U.S. “rapists” and “drug dealers,” visited the country yesterday. His trip was made possible after being invited by Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto. Trump’s trip was highlighted by the trending Twitter hashtag #TrumpMexicoTripSayings. After saying he’d be open to a “softer” immigration policy, despite previously promising a policy as impenetrable as the proposed border wall, Trump said he’d create an immigration task force in a speech yesterday. Trump also reiterated plans for the wall he plans on building, but that Mexico will reportedly pay for.  But just hours prior to Trump’s statement, Peña Nieto publicly said that wouldn’t be happening. Taco trucks on every corner sounds like heaven. Who doesn’t like tacos?

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Skinfolk Ain’t Kinfolk: Latino Donald Trump Supporter Doesn’t Want ‘Taco Trucks On Every Corner’