Tag Archives: lavigne-on-idol

Mark Kerrigan Pleads Not Guilty to Assault

Nancy Kerrigan’s brother Mark pleaded not guilty to charges of assaulting their father Daniel, who died Sunday after a struggle at the family’s Massachusetts home. Reports say Mark Kerrigan cried during arraignment in Woburn District Court, where he faced charges of assault and battery on an elder with serious bodily injury. According to the police report, Daniel collapsed after the former figure skating champion’s brother allegedly choked him during an altercation yesterday.

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Mark Kerrigan Pleads Not Guilty to Assault

American Idol Axes Season Nine Finalist Michael Lynche

It’s not on the level of Antonella Barba blow job pictures getting leaked online, but we have our first American Idol controversy of the season. One of the 24 finalists already chosen has been given the boot – due to his moronic father. Indeed, Michael Lynche will no longer appear on the show because his father reportedly confirmed to The St.

See the article here:
American Idol Axes Season Nine Finalist Michael Lynche

American Idol First Look: Celebrity Judges Galore!

Yes, Ellen DeGeneres is coming on board American Ido l as a season nine judge.

See the rest here:
American Idol First Look: Celebrity Judges Galore!