Tag Archives: katelyn-epperly

Katelyn Epperly Had ‘Pride Issues’ With Being On ‘American Idol’

‘A talent competition is not necessarily my thing,’ she says. By Katie Byrne Katelyn Epperly performs on “American Idol” Photo: Frank Micelotta/ Getty Images Katelyn Epperly finally had a breakout “American Idol” performance last week with Coldplay’s “The Scientist,” even though the judges didn’t see eye-to-eye on it. But the whole panel agreed that her take on Carole King’s “I Feel the Earth Move” didn’t live up to her potential. Even so, Epperly wasn’t expected to get the boot on Thursday, but such was the theme of the shocking results night , when Lilly Scott , Alex Lambert and Todrick Hall were also sent packing. We caught up with the singer/songwriter to talk about her closest “Idol” allies, her next move and more. Q : Did you feel that the judges were especially hard on you this season? A : They were definitely more critical towards me. I’m not sure if it’s possibly because I’ve been performing for so long. Maybe they expected more out of me than what I was giving them. But I started off on a pretty strong note, so maybe I didn’t live up to their expectations week by week. Q : Did you sing “I Feel the Earth Move” to compensate for Simon’s “corny” comments the week before? A : I totally did. I definitely was trying to find a song that would portray me as an artist, which is difficult for a singer/songwriter in this competition, because first of all, I don’t listen to mainstream music, and second of all, I don’t typically perform covers. So I kind of scrambled around last-minute trying to do something. I brought out the Wurlitzer keyboard .I wanted to do something edgier, and it didn’t work out for me, but I definitely don’t regret doing it, because I love that era. Q : You and Lilly seemed especially emotional during the results show. Why was that? A : Lilly and I have gotten really close, and from the start, we’ve flocked together. Crystal [Bowersox] too. I don’t typically hang out with girls very often, so this was a rare thing for all three of us, actually. To really truly have female friends and to get along so well and to be so supportive of one another and turning and seeing them there — for me, it wasn’t over. This is sort of a platform in my career. I wasn’t so sad about that; I was sad to see them, and I’m gonna say it was a pretty big disappointment to me to see Lilly go home, because if I were to be at home watching that show, she would, by far, over all the other girls, not be the one going home. Q : What made you choose “The Scientist” last week? A : It’s definitely a song that comes to mind when I think about anything hard I’ve had to do, any sort of loss. It’s a very touching, riveting song. I covered it a lot this summer and coped with a lot of things that I was going through. This is a song that is sad but also hopeful. When they said it was too slow, that was OK with me. I was waiting for that comment. I wanted to do it slow. I wanted to focus on the lyrics of the song. The song just cries, and I think I portrayed it, despite what the judges might have thought. Q : Are you especially rooting for anyone now that you’re off the show? A : I wish them all well, because I’ve gotten to know them all, and everyone’s worked so hard. Honestly, from the start, Crystal has been a very true, true friend to me and an honest person. And when she sings, it comes from the heart, and I know you’ve watched her. It’s just natural for her, and she totally deserves it. I’m going to be pushing for her all the way. Q : Was it comforting to you for there to be so many other singer/songwriters in the competition this season? A : I think that’s very important. That’s actually what made me so much more OK with being on the show, because I did have some pride issues with it at first, because a talent competition is not necessarily my thing. I’m the kind of person who just likes to sing and dance and spend time with music instead of making it something competitive. I’ve seen so many singer/songwriters this year who really are credible and who have been working at it their whole lives and truly deserve it. They didn’t just roll out of bed one day and want to be on a TV show and have an OK voice and a pretty face. So it was really fun to sit around backstage while we were rehearsing. We got to just jam out together. We’d all pass around the guitar and sing. It was awesome. Q : Would you have liked to sing your original songs on the show, if that were an option? A : That’s a tough one. It would be really awesome because I feel like people like Lilly, Crystal and I and others, we would definitely excel in that kind of category. At the same time, it is a show where you get judged. It’s really hard, because original music, especially the music I write, is filled with a lot of emotion and it’s based on personal experiences, and I think it would be hard for me to get up in front of four people and for them to tell me my personal experiences are invalid and my song that I wrote when I was going through a hard time wasn’t good enough. So its mixed and matched, but I definitely think it would be a cool twist to bring to a show and really bring to light some of those true musicians. Q : What’s next? Will you head back to Iowa? A : I am planning on going back for now, since I’m flat broke. [ Laughs. ] I gotta go back to Des Moines and start working and continue to pursue recording and writing music with all sorts of different artists. The band called Lovedrug is a band I’ve been listening to since I was real young. I’m gonna get together with them and hopefully write some music with them as well as other artists. Just getting back in the studio and getting back to what I truly love to do. Were you sad to see Katelyn go? Will you listen to her post-“Idol” music? Let us know! Get your “Idol” fix on MTV News’ “American Idol” page , where you’ll find all the latest news, interviews and opinions. Related Videos Meet The ‘American Idol’ Top 12 ‘American Idol’ In 60 Seconds Related Photos ‘American Idol’ Top 12 Party ‘American Idol’ Season Nine Performances

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Katelyn Epperly Had ‘Pride Issues’ With Being On ‘American Idol’

How Does ‘American Idol’ Top 12 Compare To Previous Seasons?

With Lilly Scott, Alex Lambert and Katelyn Epperly sent home, season nine lost three of its most interesting contestants. By Eric Ditzian Lilly Scott Photo: FOX After an embarrassingly shaky start to the “American Idol” live shows late last month, many of the hopefuls — from Crystal Bowersox to Casey James to Lilly Scott — recovered to the point where we were no longer ready to declare season nine the worst in the show’s history . And then came Thursday night’s results show . Standouts Scott, Alex Lambert and Katelyn Epperly were sent home, while sooo-not-ready-for-prime-time crooners Katie Stevens, Paige Miles and Tim Urban made the cut. That sound you hear? America erasing their DVR season passes of “Idol.” Which raises the question: Is this season’s newly announced top 12 the weakest we’ve ever seen? Last season, which actually presented a top 13, gave us singers that were as talented as any we’d ever seen on “Idol” — Adam Lambert, Danny Gokey and Allison Iraheta — plus a slew of intriguing performers with both pipes and we’ve-never-seen-anyone-quite-like-you originality (Megan Joy, Anoop Desai and Matt Giraud). Then, of course, there was dark-horse winner Kris Allen. While this year’s top 12 includes the impressive Bowersox and they-could-surprise-us contestants Siobhan Magnus, Michael Lynche and Casey James, the upper echelon doesn’t compare at all with last season’s. The bottom tier, meanwhile, filled with the likes of pitchy-pitiful Stevens, Miles and Urban, are far weaker than last season’s early top 13 castoffs like Alexis Grace and Michael Sarver. Such is the case when comparing season nine to season seven. By this point in 2008’s “Idol,” the fluff had been excised, and we were left with intriguing middle-of-the-pack singers Carly Smithson, Kristy Lee Cook and Michael Johns. Again, there was no one near as overmatched as Stevens, whose blubbering reaction to making the top 12 made clear even she knew she didn’t deserve it. You’d have to go back to season six’s Sanjaya Malakar to discover contestants clearly unfit to be part of the top 12. But it’s not just an examination of season nine’s bottom-feeders that has us so underwhelmed by the top 12 we’ll see — and, unfortunately, hear — next week. It’s that so many contestants with high ceilings were shown the door. Lambert had Jason Castro-like potential. Epperly seemed like a more poised version of Brooke White. Scott had the most potential of all of them — arguably the strongest contestant aside from Bowersox. At least Bowersox is still around, as is Magnus. Those two women seem like the only ones left who might genuinely inspire us week to week. Lee Dewyze is a competent rocker in the mold of David Cook. James is a perfectly fine Southern-fried frontman, Lynche can bring both soul and emo guitar-rock verve. But goodness, where’s the excitement? There does seem to be a genuine anger bubbling on the Internet after Thursday’s elimination show. “Idol” had finally provided us with a heaping handful of singers with vocal talents to match their cultural freshness and risk-taking innovation. Any comparison to past seasons aside, here were some folks we could be excited about each week. And now, three of them are gone. “American Idol” voting public, we have only ourselves to blame. What did you think of Thursday’s results? Is this the weakest “American Idol” top 12 yet? Let us know! Get your “Idol” fix on MTV News’ “American Idol” page , where you’ll find all the latest news, interviews and opinions. Related Videos ‘American Idol’ In 60 Seconds Meet The ‘American Idol’ Top 12 Related Photos ‘American Idol’ Top 12 Party ‘American Idol’ Season Nine Performances

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How Does ‘American Idol’ Top 12 Compare To Previous Seasons?

American Idol Sets Final 12, Sends Four Packing

American Idol revealed its 12 season nine finalists last night, eliminating four contestants in the process. Two of those eliminations were easy to see coming: We’d have gone with Paige Miles and Tim Urban instead, but it’s hard to argue with viewers sending Katelyn Epperly (the weakest of this season’s singer/songwriters) and Todrick Hall (more of a dancer than a singer) home. But Lilly Scott and Alex Lambert? Wow. The lessons future contestants can take from these semifinalists would be: don’t only sing songs from previous decades; and get over your stage fright. We wish all booted contestants the best, but it’s now time to focus on those remaining. We’re not down to the top 12, and we’ve listed them below, from most likely to win to least likely… Crystal Bowersox Siobhan Magnus Casey James Michael Lynche Didi Benami Lee DeWyze Andrew Garcia Paige Miles Aaron Kelly Katie Stevens Lacey Brown Tim Urban There’s a big drop-off after the top four, as two women and two men really stand out. Do you agree? Who would you have sent home and who do you consider the favorite?

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American Idol Sets Final 12, Sends Four Packing

Siobhan Magnus and Crystal Bowersox Lead Ladies Night on American Idol

It turns out the male favorite and the female favorite on American Idol have something in common: an electric guitar. Last week, Casey James rocked out with this instrument. Last night, similarly, Crystal Bowersox broke it out and, once again, put on the best performance of the evening. But Siobhan Magnus stepped up and sent a message to Crystal: Not so fast! My unique look and sound, combined with confidence and a great voice, will make this a two-woman race! Below, we rank the most recent performances by the ladies and ask readers to name their favorite… Crystal Bowersox : We hate to sound like Kara, but Crystal knows exactly who she is as an artist. She strums along and turns hit songs into her own creations. Siobhan Magnus : Different from Crystal in that we have no idea what to expect each week, but similar in terms of her stage presence and comfort in her ability. Didi Benami : Our favorite after the Hollywood rounds. Finally put on a performance worthy of the finals. Lilly Scott : Yes, it would be nice to hear a modern single from Scott. But she still stands out for her look and her sound. Katelyn Epperly : The earth didn’t move under our feet from this somewhat cheesy rendition. But we’ll be shocked, and sad, if she doesn’t move on. Katie Stevens : Why are the judges so focused on Katie’s age? All their critiques focus on the fact that she’s 17. Relax and just listen to her sing, please. Lacey Brown : Better than the previous two weeks, but also forgettable. Can we get rid of her now? Paige Miles : Solid voice, boring performances. The most likely to be eliminated this week. Who was your favorite? Who would you send home?

Siobhan Magnus and Crystal Bowersox Lead Ladies Night on American Idol

Crystal Bowersox Rocks, and Other American Idol Women Sing Well

She went from the hospital bed to the American Idol stage to the leader of the season nine pack in just 24 hours. Indeed, we aren’t the first website to shower Crystal Bowersox with praise – and we definitely won’t be the last – but it’s well-deserved. On a night of live performances that overshadowed the guys’ lackluster efforts the evening before, Bowersox recovered from a dangerous illness and led the way. We run down the top 10 below… Crystal Bowersox : She gets points for showing up and for not playing the sympathy card. But especially for her unique rendition of Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Long As I Can See the Light.” Lilly Scott : A close second. Challenged herself with the Sam Cooke classic “A Change is Gonna Come” and was even better than last week. Love her confidence in just who she is. Michelle Delamor : Note to Todrick Hall: this is how you re-arrange a song! Michelle comes across as a professional singer and turned a Creed rock single into a ballad. Siobhan Magnus : The anti-Aretha Franklin sung Franklin’s “Think” and showcased her versatility. The place went nuts when she hit her high notes. Katelyn Epperly : Ellen was off base with this critique. The song was supposed to be slow, and the use of the piano proved that Katelyn has multiple sides to her. Katie Stevens : She has a great voice and a great personality. The judges have to get over the fact that she’s 17 and just let her sing. Paige Miles : It’s always daring to take a song by an American Idol winner, but Miles did Kelly Clarkson’s “Walk Away” sort of proud. Definitely needed more of an edge to it. Didi Benami : We felt terrible for when the tears welled up during the judges’ criticism. But “Lean On Me?” Really? It’s impossible to make that song your own at this point. Lacey Brown: Simply not up to par, vocals-wise, with the other contestants. Haeley Vaughn: We’re all for being happy, but her constant smiling freaks us out. She’s like a doll of some kind.mi It’s a clear choice, in our view: Lacey and Haeley should go home tonight. What do you think?

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Crystal Bowersox Rocks, and Other American Idol Women Sing Well

‘American Idol’ Top 10 Women: What They Need To Do

We have some advice for Katelyn Epperly, Didi Benami and the rest of the ladies. By Gil Kaufman “American Idol” top ten females Photo: FOX By many accounts, it was a rough first week for the top 24 on “American Idol” last week. And while the guys had it a bit tougher than the girls when it came to harsh comments from the judges, it’s not like the ladies got off scot-free. From multiple slags about wrong song choices to the usual litany of complaints about young singers acting too old and pitchy performances, Simon, Ellen, Kara and Randy gave the dozen female contenders plenty to think about. The remaining 10 women got a rare one-day reprieve on Tuesday when leading contender Crystal Bowersox fell ill and caused a one-time-only switcheroo , forcing the boys to perform a day earlier than scheduled. At press time, there was no update on Bowersox’s condition. So what do the girls have to do Wednesday night (March 3) to make sure they’re not in the bottom two come Thursday? Lilly Scott Last week’s breakout performer moved near the front of the line with a quirky acoustic-guitar-driven take on the Beatles’ “Fixing a Hole,” which drew praise from the judges. As long as the 20-year-old platinum blonde keeps mixing it up and surprising the panel — but not too much — she should keep skating along. Michelle Delamor The little-known singer took a chance tackling Alicia Keys’ “Fallin’,” throwing in some bluesy runs that made for a solid live debut. Ellen loved it, and Simon said it was solid, if predictable. Delamor needs to explain to America why they should care and stretch outside her comfort zone to keep the dream alive. Crystal Bowersox The early front-runner among the ladies stumbled a bit last week, landing accusations from Simon that her strummy, harmonica-assisted cover of Alanis Morissette’s “Hand in My Pocket” was a bit too similar to the work of countless subway buskers. Then she fell ill on Monday and forced the postponement of ladies night. Will she pull a Megan Joy and rebound from sickness stronger than ever? She can’t bust out an original, but Bowersox might want to consider showing off something other than her folky credentials to remind the judges why they chose her to begin with. Paige Miles Another virtual stranger to viewers did pretty well in her live debut, kicking off the show with a growling take on Free’s classic-rock staple “All Right Now.” Cowell praised her for having the best voice of all the girls but said her song choice was hacky and cheap. The preschool teacher does indeed have a strong voice, and she, too, needs to use the new “personality snapshot” section unveiled on Tuesday night to give us some clue as to why she should get our vote. Maybe she juggles flaming knives or helped raise a baby seal as a child or speaks Esperanto. Mostly, though, she should really focus on picking the right song to prove it this week. Siobhan Magnus Magnus, 19, went a bit dark with her brooding take on Chris Isaak’s hard-to-sing “Wicked Game,” and Cowell lamented that the glassblowing apprentice didn’t live up to her previous fire. Kara liked the oddball song choice, and Ellen said she was so blown away that she forgot she was watching a reality show for a moment. We didn’t, so for Magnus to keep her spot, she should keep driving the oddball lane even harder and focus on showing the judges some hidden commercial appeal. Katie Stevens The high-schooler nearly blew it with her old-fashioned-sounding Michael Bubl

Aaron Kelly vs. Siobhan Magnus: Semifinalist Showdown!

The week after American Idol made its first round of cuts (sorry, Tyler, Janell, Ashley and Joe), we’re continuing to ask readers which semifinalists they think will advance the farthest. Past showdowns between singers, for example, have pitted Katie Stevens vs. Katelyn Epperly . Which of those young beauties has the most potential? Now, for the first time in this feature, we’re mixing up genders. Fox may wish to separate men and women like some sort of middle school dance, but THG is all about integration! Last Tuesday, viewers voted Siobhan Magnus through after an impressive rendition of Chris Isaac’s “Wicked Game.” As an alternative to guitar players such as Didi Benami, Magnus may be a dark horse on the female side. Meanwhile, Aaron Kelly also received good news from voters. His adorable mug will be on full display again this Wednesday. Choose between these contestants below… Which semifinalist will advance farther on American Idol?

Aaron Kelly vs. Siobhan Magnus: Semifinalist Showdown!

Lilly Scott and Michelle Delamor Lead Night of Wobbly Women on American Idol

Before we break down each American Idol performance from the first night of live auditions, we must say: The judges seem confused. They chose a slew of Taylor Swift-like guitar players, laid back contestants (Didi Benami, Crystal Bowersox , Janell Wheeler, etc.) with a quiet sound, and then complained last night when the women played to their strengths. Simon continually said he didn’t have any “Wow!” moments, but, in many ways, he didn’t select any “Wow!” contestants for the semifinals. Below, in descending order, we rank our favorite performers from the evening: Lilly Scott : Played with the arrangement on “Fixin’ A Hole” by the Beatles and stood out with her original sound/look. Comes across as a “real, indie artist,” as Randy said. Michelle Delamor : Almost seems like a professional singer already. We wouldn’t have chosen an Alicia Keys song because it sets the bar too high, but Delamor can wail. If this is an actual singing competition, based on the best voice, she’s the best woman. Siobhan Magnus : Different, dark, we liked her version of “Wicked Game” a lot. Falls somewhere between the acoustic players mentioned above and Delamor. Crystal Bowersox : We can’t get enough of the harmonica, but that alone won’t be enough to carry her to the title. Katelyn Epperly : Didn’t like the look. As Ellen said, she was trying too hard. But nice, blues-like version of a Beatles song. Didi Benami : The perfect song choice (“The Way I Am” by Ingrid Michaelson), but what will her range be like? Seems like this is the exact performance she’ll put on every week. Paige Miles : The biggest surprise of the night, only because we scarcely saw her on previous weeks. A great voice. Janell Wheeler : Attempted to go outside of her comfort zone and rock out to Heart’s “What About Love.” Points for trying, at least. Katie Stevens : We agree with the judges. You’re adorable. Choose songs that are younger and more fun. But amazing pipes. Ashley Rodriguez : Shockingly in danger already. But unless fans want nothing but Swift wannabes, will give this potential rocker another chance. Haeley Vaughn : Just awkward all around, from her look to her version of “I Want to Hold Your Hand.” Lacey Brown : Atrocious. WHO WAS YOUR FAVORITE PERFORMER ON THE NIGHT?

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Lilly Scott and Michelle Delamor Lead Night of Wobbly Women on American Idol

Katie Stevens vs. Katelyn Epperly: Semifinalist Showdown!

How far can young and cute carry Katie Stevens and Katelyn Epperly this season on American Idol ? It’s a question worth asking because these two semifinalists don’t have the strongest voices on the show. But Stevents, at least, has the most moving personal story of any contestant: she’s extremely close to her grandmother, who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. The Boston native says she’d love nothing more than to achieve her dreams while her grandmother is still relatively cognizant. Epperly, meanwhile, is a 19-year old from Iowa. She plays the piano and has served as the vocalist for Katelyn & the Bruises, a folk rock band. Compare the hopefuls below and then vote in our poll… Which semifinalist will go farther on American Idol? We also encourage readers to sound off on a showdown between Michelle Delamor and Paige Miles . Which of these singers will do the best?

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Katie Stevens vs. Katelyn Epperly: Semifinalist Showdown!

Andrew Garcia, Katie Stevens Installed as American Idol Favorites

Place your bets… place your bets… The day before American Idol goes live and the top 12 women take to the stage, SBG Global Sportsbook has revealed each contestant’s odds to be the next Carrie Underwood or Kris Allen. After his sterling performing of “Straight Up,” it’s no surprise to find Andrew Garcia as the early favorite. A bunch of guitar-playing women follow, with little-known Joe Munoz bringing up the rear… 9:2 – Andrew Garcia 13:2 – Katie Stevens 7:1 – Didi Benami , Ashley Rodriguez 15:2 – Crystal Bowersox 8:1 – Casey James 12:1 – Siobhan Magnus 15:1 – Janell Wheeler , Jermaine Sellers, Todrick Hall 18:1 – Haeley Vaughn 25:1 – Lacey Brown, Tim Urban, Tyler Grady 33:1 – Paige Miles 35:1 – Alex Lambert, Michael Lynche 40:1 – Katelyn Epperly, Lilly Scott 45:1 – John Park, Michelle Delamor 50:1 – Aaron Kelly, Lee DeWyze 65:1 – Joe Munoz

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Andrew Garcia, Katie Stevens Installed as American Idol Favorites