Tag Archives: lavish-golf

Fiddy’s Fortress — Back on Da Market

Filed under: 50 Cent , The Rich Life 50 Cent needs to wave his Magic Stick if he hopes to sell his Connecticut mega-mansion …

See the original post here:
Fiddy’s Fortress — Back on Da Market

Taxpayers: In TMZ We Trust

Filed under: Celebrity Justice We never really thought we could say this … but TMZ just helped enrich America … to the tune of nearly $1.6 billion.Remember our story about Northern Trust — the bank that took federal bailout money and then hosted a lavish golf tourney in L.A.

Continued here:
Taxpayers: In TMZ We Trust

Name That Girly Tattoo!

Filed under: Paparazzi Photo , You Might Want to Rethink , Hot Bodies Can you guess who showed off their pretty sunburst ink on South Beach?

Continued here:
Name That Girly Tattoo!