Tag Archives: leaders-people

Sophie Reade’s in a Bikini for her 2013 Calendar of the DAy

Nothing says fun like half naked busty Glamour models who were destned to work the check out at Wal Mart or the diner in their ghetto trailer park they are from or more likely the fucking stripper….but instead UK Big Brother made her tits famous….tits she shows off for money…but that in her whore mind is not the same as stripping….since she doesn’t let random men touch her for 10 dollars a song…she instead gets in magazines….and uses her tits for good..like to give people something to jerk off to…and in this internet filled with sluts, free porn and tons of things to jerk off to…that’s pretty fucking noble and honorable of her…. She’s kinda fat, but I guess that comes with the huge titty territory…and that doesn’t stop you…so here’s her promo video for her Calendar that I’m not getting paid to post but that I should be cuz it’s branded harder than my dick is with herpes scars….


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Sophie Reade’s in a Bikini for her 2013 Calendar of the DAy

Samara Weaving is Hot for GQ of the Day

I am the biggest Samara Weaving Fan….just the other day I POSTED HER NIPPLE POPPING OUT OF HER BIKINI ON SET …..but that probably has more to do with her nipple and less to do with her…I’d post pictures of anyone if their nipple was in the fucking mix….cuz I like nipples…they are the feeding tube for our future leaders people…. Point of this is to say….she’s some Australian chick….and I’m huge in Australia which works out nicely for me cuz Australian girls are stylish, fun, sexy as fuck, and into getting drunk with me…not that Samara Weaving gets down like that, or wants to be my drinking buddy in hipster clothes with her tits exposed, but we’ll just use her as today’s figurehead of my need to find Australian love…..as she models hot for Australian GQ….cuz Australians get me.

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Samara Weaving is Hot for GQ of the Day