Tag Archives: learned-during

Teen Mom OG Lessons: What Did Catelynn Learn During Her Time In Treatment?

‘Teen Mom OG’ cast member Catelynn opens up about the lessons she learned during her time in treatment.

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Teen Mom OG Lessons: What Did Catelynn Learn During Her Time In Treatment?

Vin Diesel Teases Big Marvel News During ‘Riddick’ Panel

MTV News shares all the cool stuff we learned during the ‘Kick-Ass 2’ and ‘Riddick’ Comic-Con panels. By Ryan J. Downey

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Vin Diesel Teases Big Marvel News During ‘Riddick’ Panel

Betty White Can’t Stop, Will Write Two Books

Continuing to strike while the iron remains surprisingly hot, Betty White has signed a deal with G. P. Putnam’s Sons to write two books for the publisher in the next two years. Listen Up! , due in 2011, is about the “life lessons learned during her incredibly varied and long career in Hollywood, with an emphasis on the extraordinary past 15 years of the star’s life,” while 2012’s The Zoo and I will chronicle White’s work with the Los Angeles Zoo. Seeing how White’s career has been trending, expect her to star in movie versions of both in 2013. [ NYT /ArtsBeat ]

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Betty White Can’t Stop, Will Write Two Books