Tag Archives: least-frighten

REVIEW: Al Pacino Devours Otherwise Humorless Jack and Jill

Despite all of the grumpy and/or gleeful speculation that arose around the internet when it got its first glimpse of Adam Sandler donning a wig and falsies to play his own awkward twin sister, Jack and Jill is not actually the worst movie of all time. Given other recent efforts from Sandler’s Happy Madison production company, most notably Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star , it’d be hard pressed to even compete for the title of worst of the year. The film, directed by longtime Sandler collaborator Dennis Dugan and written by Steve Koren, presents an at least theoretically standard mix of slapstick, celebrity cameos and not-quite-winking sentimentality. It’s sometimes funny, but more often it’s just very strange and threaded through with hostility — at one point, during a montage that involved Jill repeatedly accidentally injuring a myopic Mexican grandmother at a picnic, the colleagues on either side of me leaned in separately to whisper, ” What is happening ?”

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REVIEW: Al Pacino Devours Otherwise Humorless Jack and Jill

Darren Aronofsky’s Anti-Meth PSAs: Requiem Redux

Darren Aronofsky’s Requiem for a Dream alone might’ve been enough to scare most folks away from hard drugs for forever, but it came out all the way back in 2000, when today’s teenagers were mere toddlers. So as part of the public service program The Meth Project , which seeks to educate (or at least frighten the bejeezus out of) would-be first-time drug users, Aronofsky stepped in to direct four TV spots highlighting the nightmarish consequences of meth use. BE SCARED, KIDS.

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Darren Aronofsky’s Anti-Meth PSAs: Requiem Redux