Tag Archives: legal-citizens

Sarah Jessica Parker Has Meth Face of the Day

I originally downloaded these pictures for personal use. I don’t have a Sarah Jessica Parker, I just like to look at her pictures to get a good laugh and to put me in a positive state of mind, you know trying to figure out how that thing was good enough to get as famous as it did….realizing that anything is fucking possible with the right marketing behind it…cuz I have actually heard bitches say this woman is pretty….and the whole thing is real comedic. I thought she had a cameltoe in these pics…and figured there’s just something about bitches who look like meth addicted immigrant trannies named Chanel who pretend they are 25 looking for husbands to marry to make them legal citizens….you know with their cheap hair, cheap slutty outfits, haggard manly half paralyzed from the drug user face that really makes you feel at home…especially when it looks like a cameltoe…cuz it makes the whole experience far less homo…. Not that it matters. What does matter though is that I just posted a fucking Sarah Jessica Parker post and that’s gotta be a mistake on some fucking level.

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Sarah Jessica Parker Has Meth Face of the Day