Tag Archives: leisha-hailey

The L Word’s Leisha Hailey Kisses a Girl, Southwest Airlines Doesn’t Like It [PIC]

Imagine you’re sitting on a crowded cross-country flight. Sitting next to you is The L Word star and real-life rug muncher Leisha Hailey . As the passengers continue to board, Lesiha leans over to the woman sitting next to her and plants a gentle kiss on her lips. The two begin making out, oblivious to the hustle and bustle of the plane around them. As the kissing grows more passionate, Lesiha reaches out and begins to slide her hand underneath her travel companion’s shirt… Sound like a wet dream come true? Not for Southwest Airlines . Hailey is now organizing a boycott of the airline after being escorted from a Southwest flight from Baltimore to St. Louis on Monday. Hailey and her girlfriend were kissing during the flight, and according to the airline passengers complained because the couple’s PDA was “excessive” and making them uncomfortable. At Mr. Skin, we just call that flying the friendly skies! Members can see more from The L Word ‘s Leisha Hailey right here at MrSkin.com!

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The L Word’s Leisha Hailey Kisses a Girl, Southwest Airlines Doesn’t Like It [PIC]

Leisha Hailey Fires Back at Southwest, Denies Excessive Touching

Leisha Hailey is not finished with Southwest Airlines. A day after the former L Word star and her girlfriend got booted from a flight – for “excessive” PDA that drew complaints from fellow passengers, according to a company statement – the actress has fired back. She and her partner have released a joint statement that reads : “In no way were our actions on Southwest Airlines excessive, inappropriate or vulgar. We want to make it clear we were not making out or creating any kind of spectacle of ourselves, it was one, modest kiss. “We take full responsibility for getting verbally upset with the flight attendant after being told it was a ‘family airline.’ “We find it very disturbing that the same airline who lauds itself as being LGBT friendly has twisted an upsetting incident that happened into our behavior being ‘too excessive.'” Hailey and the other woman will be filing a formal complaint with the airline.

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Leisha Hailey Fires Back at Southwest, Denies Excessive Touching