Tag Archives: her-girlfriend

We Get it Diora Baird – You’re a Lesbian of the Day

Diora Baird is an irrelevant actress – who is really into the Anne Heche approach of lesbianism, where she just kisses her girlfriend all the time in pics, you know coming to terms with dudes disappointing her, mainly producers and directors who only gave her one job, and now…this lesbo thing…is working out great, people love it…keep it going…she’s an actress and thus all she does…is bullshit. The post We Get it Diora Baird – You’re a Lesbian of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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We Get it Diora Baird – You’re a Lesbian of the Day

Rihanna And Cara Delevingne Are Making Me Jealous

I hope Michelle Rodriguez isn’t the jealous type, because here’s her girlfriend Cara Delevingne hanging out with Rihanna in a shopping cart during Paris Fashion Week for some reason. I’ve never been a big fan of Cara, I don’t really get what makes her Victoria’s Secret material, especially since I post no-name models who are 20 times as hot as she is pretty much every day. That said, I do love Rihanna, so yeah, maybe I’m just jealous. Because clearly it should be me in there fooling around with that perfect booty. I’m telling you guys, life just isn’t fair. » view all 37 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Rihanna And Cara Delevingne Are Making Me Jealous

Leisha Hailey Fires Back at Southwest, Denies Excessive Touching

Leisha Hailey is not finished with Southwest Airlines. A day after the former L Word star and her girlfriend got booted from a flight – for “excessive” PDA that drew complaints from fellow passengers, according to a company statement – the actress has fired back. She and her partner have released a joint statement that reads : “In no way were our actions on Southwest Airlines excessive, inappropriate or vulgar. We want to make it clear we were not making out or creating any kind of spectacle of ourselves, it was one, modest kiss. “We take full responsibility for getting verbally upset with the flight attendant after being told it was a ‘family airline.’ “We find it very disturbing that the same airline who lauds itself as being LGBT friendly has twisted an upsetting incident that happened into our behavior being ‘too excessive.'” Hailey and the other woman will be filing a formal complaint with the airline.

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Leisha Hailey Fires Back at Southwest, Denies Excessive Touching

Sean Maher, Veteran Actor, Comes Out as Gay

Sean Maher, best known for roles on Firefly , Make It or Break It and now The Playboy Club , is gay. The actor made the admission today in an interview with Entertainment Weekly . “It’s so liberating. It was interesting to be coming to have a conversation that I was always afraid to have,” Maher tells the magazine , adding: “This is my coming out ball. I’ve been dying to do this.” Maher lives in Los Angeles with a partner named Paul. The couple has two kids, Sophia Rose, 4, and Liam Xavier, 14 months. The 36-year old actor says he was never asked about his sexuality in the past, but painted “a different picture” than the truth whenever the topic was remotely broached. “I’m 22, I move to L.A., and it’s such a clich

Leisha Hailey: Booted Off Flight for Gay PDA

Leisha Hailey, an actress most recently seen on CSI but best known for her role on Showtime’s The L Word , was kicked off a Southwest Airlines flight today and immediately took to Twitter to complain that she and her girlfriend got the boot because of their sexual orientation. Hailey says a flight attendant asked her and her partner to leave because they were kissing and, according to the stewardess, Southwest is a “family” airline. “They don’t like us,” the actress Tweeted of the company’s alleged “homophobic” policies. But Southwest has now replied and says its employees simply responded to passenger complains about the actress’ “excessive” affection toward her girlfriend. “Our crew, responsible for the comfort of all Customers on board, approached the passengers based solely on behavior and not gender,” the statement reads. “The conversation escalated to a level that was better resolved on the ground, as opposed to in flight. We are ready to work directly with the passengers involved to offer our heartfelt apologies for falling short of their expectation.” Hailey should just be grateful she wasn’t wearing baggy pants , too.

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Leisha Hailey: Booted Off Flight for Gay PDA

Paris Hilton — My Girlfriend’s Coke

Filed under: Paris Hilton , Cy Waits , Celebrity Justice Paris Hilton is telling her friends the cocaine Las Vegas cops found in her purse was not hers — it was probably her girlfriend’s. Paris’ close friends are telling TMZ … Hilton now says one of her friends recently borrowed the purse in question and… Read more

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Paris Hilton — My Girlfriend’s Coke

Lesbian gets $35K settlement over canceled prom

JACKSON, Miss. — A rural school district that canceled its prom rather than allow a lesbian student to attend with her girlfriend has agreed to pay $35,000 to settle a discrimination lawsuit the ACLU filed on her behalf. added by: TimALoftis

Jane Lynch Marries Girlfriend Lara Embry in Intimate Wedding

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Jane Lynch is experiencing wedding bliss. The 49-year-old Glee star married her girlfriend, Lara Embry, on Memorial Day at the Blue Heron restaurant in Massachusetts, American

Jane Lynch Weds

Congratulations to Glee star Jane Lynch, who married her girlfriend Lara Embry in Massachusetts over the Memorial Day weekend. Upside: a big ol’ TV star just got gay-married! Downside: they had to do it in Massachusetts, because gay marriage is still illegal in California, where the two live. [ Star ]

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Jane Lynch Weds

Tila Tequila — 3 Strippers Are Better Than 1

Three months after her girlfriend Casey Johnson passed away and two months since she allegedly miscarried ,