In 2012, I posted THESE TOPLESS FOR TERRY RICHARDSON pictures of Stella Maxwll… I wasn’t too into her, she had uneven tits, lesbian hair, was up on some hipster shit, and I just assumed she was running in the right circles, hanging with the right people, and opportunities were happening because of that – and her willingness to get naked… I said I respected her willingness to get naked for Terry, because it’s a good platform to legitimize yourself, that is why so many girls want him to jerk off on their faces…he brings dreams…but I don’t think he had anything to do with Stella Maxwell getting to this pivotal point in her career…he was just a wrung on the ladder she showed her tits to to get here – and in this wild and crazy competitive model world…it looks like she’s made it…and looks pretty amazing doing it… Good hustle. I dig that it worked out for her…
Excerpt from:
Stella Maxwell Booked Victoria’s Secret of the Day