Tag Archives: some-hipster

Hipster in Sheer Panties of the Day

The models name is LUIZA PEREIRA …The photographer’s name is Marina Badjieff I don’t know what the photoshoot is for, I just know that it’s of some hipster looking girl, in sheer panties showing bush…so I don’t really care what the photoshoot is about…I don’t even know if this is considered an actual photoshoot, because the reality is that we can all be photographers, we have cameras on our phone, we just need girls willing to get naked, half naked, doing whatever it is they are doing…to say that you are…and once you say you are…more girls come through…and the next thing you know…you’re the whore wrangler…that doesn’t make money, but gets to see vagina and titties everyday… All this to say…I love bush…you can pay me in bush for the rest of my life and I’ll be pretty fucking happy about it… The post Hipster in Sheer Panties of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hipster in Sheer Panties of the Day

Stella Maxwell Booked Victoria’s Secret of the Day

In 2012, I posted THESE TOPLESS FOR TERRY RICHARDSON pictures of Stella Maxwll… I wasn’t too into her, she had uneven tits, lesbian hair, was up on some hipster shit, and I just assumed she was running in the right circles, hanging with the right people, and opportunities were happening because of that – and her willingness to get naked… I said I respected her willingness to get naked for Terry, because it’s a good platform to legitimize yourself, that is why so many girls want him to jerk off on their faces…he brings dreams…but I don’t think he had anything to do with Stella Maxwell getting to this pivotal point in her career…he was just a wrung on the ladder she showed her tits to to get here – and in this wild and crazy competitive model world…it looks like she’s made it…and looks pretty amazing doing it… Good hustle. I dig that it worked out for her…

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Stella Maxwell Booked Victoria’s Secret of the Day

Kate Mara Throwback Adam Fedderly Shoot of the Day

Kate Mara is Rooney Mara’s sister… I think she’s more successful than her sister…but I haven’t heard from either of them… Here she is in some throwback pics from ADAM FEDDERLY a photographer I’ve never heard of…and shit is up on some hipster erotica kick that I am all about…because hipster porn is the future of my masturbation…

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Kate Mara Throwback Adam Fedderly Shoot of the Day

Guy on Drugs of the Day

Thanks to drugs, the world is a more interesting place. The other night some dude was kicking random store windows screaming that he wanted to kill everyone….before the cops jumped him and shoved his face into the ground…. Earlier today, some hipster kid was walking down the street and dropped his pants and took a shit in the middle of the street… Then there is this guy, who is seemingly pretty fucking normal, freaking the fuck out, because he took a molly, but the problem with Molly is that it is never Molly, but rather fucking meth and other garbage thrown together for idiots to rave on… Real Molly…doesn’t do any of this shit to anyone, which is too bad because it would make all those EDM parties a little more tolerable… It’s just never ending good times…and the commentator needs his own TV show. “He’s got to drink some milk”…what?

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Guy on Drugs of the Day

Guy on Drugs of the Day

Thanks to drugs, the world is a more interesting place. The other night some dude was kicking random store windows screaming that he wanted to kill everyone….before the cops jumped him and shoved his face into the ground…. Earlier today, some hipster kid was walking down the street and dropped his pants and took a shit in the middle of the street… Then there is this guy, who is seemingly pretty fucking normal, freaking the fuck out, because he took a molly, but the problem with Molly is that it is never Molly, but rather fucking meth and other garbage thrown together for idiots to rave on… Real Molly…doesn’t do any of this shit to anyone, which is too bad because it would make all those EDM parties a little more tolerable… It’s just never ending good times…and the commentator needs his own TV show. “He’s got to drink some milk”…what?

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Guy on Drugs of the Day

Gay Hipster Fight in LA of the Day

This is hysterical. I could really go off about hipsters, but the truth is that I leave my house every once in a while and no that hipsters don’t exist anymore, they are just mainstream…I’m talking every motherfucker in the world under 25 is a hipster bisexual and it is boring……and sure some hipster girls are alright looking, and I like that they don’t wear bras, but the size of their obvious ironic hipster bush and the smell it gives off throws me off…. This American Apparel generation of idiots is boring, obvious and don’t really keep me too interested, even if they slut out on the regular and don’t mind showing nipple…when they aren’t too busy looking at themselves in the mirror trying to be authentic…. So seeing them turn on themselves is amazing.. Faux Fag in skinny jeans and deep V neck tank tops battling flannel shirt and stupid haircuts is hilarious…too bad they didn’t cut each other up…but the good news is they will probably all die of AIDS in 20 years… Enjoy

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Gay Hipster Fight in LA of the Day

Miranda Kerr and Her Skinny Model Legs of the Day

Here are some pictures of Miranda Kerr showing off her legs in some hipster lookin’ mini skirt, I figure shit’s worth posting because I went to the trouble of uploading them and I’m really not sure why, making this one of the many lazy, useless posts on the site, because let’s face it, if you were me, you would have quit doing this bullshit years ago. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Miranda Kerr and Her Skinny Model Legs of the Day