Jessica Stam is a model from a farm in Canada that if I would have known about her before she got famous, I would have totally knocked on the family’s door late one rainy or snowy night complaining that my car had broken down up the road and that I needed to use a phone, where I would pretend their was no answer at the garage I was calling, leading to these people of god to offer me a place to stay in their guest room, because that’s just the kind of people farmers are, then when everyone was asleep, I would have totally snuck into her room and jerked off on her hair while she slept, because I’m not down with rape, but surprise cumshots are just funny, then I’d head to bed and wake up to a nice pancake breakfast her mom made me before heading out on my way, but instead she dated DJ AM before he died, she’s made millions of dollars and she’s pretty alright lookin, and here is her back. Pics via Bauer

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Jessica Stam Shows Off Her Back of the Day
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged Career, considered-hot, Gossip, having-the-time, Hollywood, life, people-farmers, time, working-useless