Tag Archives: less-offended

Anna Ewers Models Euro Swim of the Day

Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers…but doesn’t need to smell like sewers as her career or rent check doesn’t need to rely on Saudi Men shitting on her…. Now I thought this photoshoot would be better and I already got in this deep, so I am going to post it, but it is hardly naked enough, hardly hot enough, and I’ve been a fan of Rhymes with Sewers since she first started popping up. I liked her face, I liked her overall vibe and I am not really offended by this shoot, but when I hear EURO swim…something that means EURO naked…as all EURO bitches get naked on the beach…I expect nakedness…so this…is her mocking us, getting to big to deliver the goods…. The post Anna Ewers Models Euro Swim of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Anna Ewers Models Euro Swim of the Day

Robin Marjolein in Bathing Suits for Cosmo Germany of the Day

Germany has come along way from publishing Nazi propaganda…. Along with scat porn…and now bikini photoshoots with some babe I’ve never heard of named Robin, like the bird, who is should be labeled and acknowledged for how she is breasted, or nice breasted in bathing suits for the German magazine…. This is far less offensive than drawing Jewish accountants with tails…just 75 years ago…which really isn’t that long ago, if you’re 50 years old like me… Point being…Robin Marjolein may not be as good as Robin Marjolein in scat porn….but she’s less offensive to the Jewish people and the Social Justice warriors than Nazis….however..her Mickey Mouse gloves grabbing her tits bathing suit…is CULTURAL APPROPRIATION…she might as well could be shitting on the American flag…and fat chicks with Disney dolls in their car everywhere…would be less offended…. Good times. The post Robin Marjolein in Bathing Suits for Cosmo Germany of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Robin Marjolein in Bathing Suits for Cosmo Germany of the Day