Tag Archives: lets-celebrate

Daisy Fuentes Bikini Pics of the Day

There is so much going on in this pic….from hard nipples to gaping vagina….to a one piece bikini on what must be a mom of many…but maybe I’m just typecasting and stereotyping her based on her gaping outty vagina….. My favorite thing about this pic….the crucifix around her neck…like she’s not some whore parading her vagina around as it throws up all over the inside of her bathing suit….unless I’m jumping to conclusions and this shit was actually blown up in her quest to fame….fame I remember as peaking the co-host on America’s Funniest people in the 90s…. Who cares…lets celebrate these pics…cuz they made my day….not sure if they are new or old…but they are new to me….and I’ve always got time to revisit external pussies in action…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Daisy Fuentes Bikini Pics of the Day

Alec Baldwin and His Young Vagina to Inspire You of the Day

Alec Baldwin and me are pretty much best friends…he even hits me up on twitter…for all to see…cuz he’s not ashamed of me like everyone else I know is…. I mean tweeting someone once makes you best friends right? Either way, I figure I might as well post pics of his 27 year old girlfriend, because I like to celebrate young girls and the hope they bring to people in shitty relationships….cuz you can jerk off to them, and when your shitty relationship ends, you can fuck them….cuz for some reason….even if you are moderately successful and not even a celebrity…there there will always be a young girl who will let you stick your dick inside her while pissing off the whore who dumped you….as she grows old and disgusting… So lets celebrate Alec Baldwin, my friendship with him that doesn’t exist, and most importantly, his young pussy…cuz young pussy inspires….

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Alec Baldwin and His Young Vagina to Inspire You of the Day