Tag Archives: like-audiences

Taylor Swift Sex Scene in New Video of the Day

I don’t know when Taylor Swift decided she was Lana Del Rey…but I guess being a hack, pandering to the most basic emotions in teen girls, with simplistic garbage songs that have made her the most powerful act in Hollywood, the kind of non threatening, basic, act that all of Hollywood, who aren’t as confident in themselves as she is, are flocking to, because they want a bit of that glory, you know like having dinner with God…only in this case god is a highly marketed, singer/songwriter, who just made accessible content and won… Now, like Miley dropping an album about her dead fish as soon as the VMAs ended, Taylor Swift dropped this video, where the proceeds go to animal conservation thanks to her being rich as fuck and not needing money…also a great marketing angle to get people to watch and to get producers to cast her in serious hollywood movies, which we know they are already in talks about, and the highlight was the PG-13 sex scene…a little make out session like Taylor has every night of the week with different dudes because that’s her thing… The post Taylor Swift Sex Scene in New Video of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Taylor Swift Sex Scene in New Video of the Day

Gigi Hadid in a Bikini for Instagram of the Day

Spoiled, overrated, model because her mom was a model and her dad still fucks models her age, Gigi Hadid, is one of the most aggressively marketed creatures with little to no talent, but with money and egotistical parents that want to be the next Kardashians, thanks to being vapid idiots, so they throw that money and PR people, who can manipulate the media and that can create an instagram following using her LA rich kid access, that can create a modeling career, since modeling is a joke – photographers will shoot anyone and magazines will feature anyone…as long as they have an audience…advertisers like audiences… Well now she’s dating virgin, who isn’t a virgin, but pretended to be cuz it got him more pussy, Jonas brother… But more importantly, posting these kinds of pics to the internet…bikini selfie porn… The more entertaining thing about Gig Hadid, is that her sister got jealous, like all rich kid sisters, and is raining on her parade….stealing her job and contacts…to have her own career…with Victoria’s Secret…because that’s what bratty whining gets you… The post Gigi Hadid in a Bikini for Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Gigi Hadid in a Bikini for Instagram of the Day

Gigi Hadid in a Bikini for Instagram of the Day

Spoiled, overrated, model because her mom was a model and her dad still fucks models her age, Gigi Hadid, is one of the most aggressively marketed creatures with little to no talent, but with money and egotistical parents that want to be the next Kardashians, thanks to being vapid idiots, so they throw that money and PR people, who can manipulate the media and that can create an instagram following using her LA rich kid access, that can create a modeling career, since modeling is a joke – photographers will shoot anyone and magazines will feature anyone…as long as they have an audience…advertisers like audiences… Well now she’s dating virgin, who isn’t a virgin, but pretended to be cuz it got him more pussy, Jonas brother… But more importantly, posting these kinds of pics to the internet…bikini selfie porn… The more entertaining thing about Gig Hadid, is that her sister got jealous, like all rich kid sisters, and is raining on her parade….stealing her job and contacts…to have her own career…with Victoria’s Secret…because that’s what bratty whining gets you… The post Gigi Hadid in a Bikini for Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Gigi Hadid in a Bikini for Instagram of the Day