Gigi Hadid is pretty well positioned, because she’s one of those fake it til you make it, but you don’t really need to fake it so hard til you make it, because her dad faked it til he made it, and now instead of getting her a pony, a trust fund, a college education, he’s been able to get her a modelling career, finance her living out her dreams, because as a narcissist, there’s nothing more fulfilling when something that came out of your balls, becomes a legit model…even if it is all through positioning and not actual skill, talent, or ability…not that any model really needs ability…talent or skill..they just sort of stand there.. Anyway, she’s been booked by Victoria’s Secret because they like relevant girls, and she’s relevant…from popstar Taylor Swift and Jenner friendships…the whole thing a ridiculous new generation version of the family portrait you’d see in rich people’s houses in the 90s…you know whole family in jeans and white t-shirts with no shoes…weirdness… Either way, she’s not in her bra and panties, but should be.
See the original post here:
Gigi Hadid for Victoria’s Secret of the Day