Tag Archives: like-thirty

Selena Gomez Is 20 Going On 13

I know that Selena Gomez is twenty years old now, but come on, she still looks like she’s a thirteen year old. I don’t like it. Don’t get me wrong, it will be awesome when she’s like thirty, but now it’s just creepy. Here she is in her little pink dress looking like she’s starting her first day of high-school. Not cool.

Scarlett Johansson Is Making Me Uncomfortable

I’m not sure I like these pictures of Scarlett Johansson in her new ads for Mango , they kinda remind me of something you’d see on the news in a report on pedophiles in the 80’s, but without her face being all blurred. I feel uneasy posting them. I know she’s like thirty, I really have no idea how old she is, but I still feel like the FBI is going to knock down the door to my mother’s basement for this. Enjoy them while you can.