Tag Archives: liked-actors

Happy 54th Birthday, Steve Buscemi! What’s His Most Underrated Screen Moment?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think it’s safe to say that Steve Buscemi is one of the most universally liked actors of this generation. He vivified Fargo , gave Ghost World a soul, lent Big Fish some quirky sincerity, ruled on 30 Rock (and Boardwalk Empire , I suppose), and even proved himself a viable proxy for Paul Lynde as the voice of Templeton in the Charlotte’s Web remake. That’s not an easy sneer to fill. But today we’re talking about Buscemi’s underrated work, the stuff that doesn’t percolate with the grim vigor of a Coen Brothers classic. What’s your pick?

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Happy 54th Birthday, Steve Buscemi! What’s His Most Underrated Screen Moment?