Tag Archives: lingerie-002

Catherine McNeil in Lingerie for Esprit of the Day

Catherine McNeil is some fake lesbian from Australia who was dating some MTV host which allowed her to be a public figure and thus book modelling gigs and for some reason the fake lesbian game doesn’t bother me, because I know even real lesbians aren’t actually lesbians, but misguided jaded girls who fear the cock, despite fucking girls who act like they have a cock, with rubber things that look like a cock… Thanks to her dyke antics she’s booked some Esprit lingerie campaign, and these are the pics of her in panties, which are a lot like pics of her strap-on, even if she’s the one who gets fucked by a strap-on as she counts down the days before establishing herself so she can go back to the cock…at least that’s my theory.

The rest is here:
Catherine McNeil in Lingerie for Esprit of the Day