Tag Archives: lining-because

Celine Farach in Some Photoshoot of the Day

Celine Farach is some chick with a lot of instagram followers, who does photoshoots for bikini companies and has a big round booty…see video: Here’s a video of her booty… Apparently, this is one of her photoshoots, and I would have so many very important things about her, but I have never heard of her, I don’t know who she sleeps with for money, or for security, and I don’t even know if I really like her…because I don’t take the time to get to know all the smut that is being posted to social media…I just know that all the garbage behind the smut…like that this girl thinks she’s hot and important..or a business..makes her far more annoying than just her tits…so I keep things pretty superfical…and I guess so does she….Celine Farach we are so the same. The post Celine Farach in Some Photoshoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Celine Farach in Some Photoshoot of the Day

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Not Pregnant in this Photoshoot of the DAy

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is 8 months pregnant, with is disgusting, not because she’s pushing 40 and has been doing this model thing for a long time, I figure her having kids is a normal thing that women do…like having their period…. BUt that doesn’t mean I need to accept it as a natural or normal thing. I get it, humanity needs to continue and they are coded like trained animals to breed…and I get it, the uterus needs to shed their lining because they couldn’t design humans better, and I get it science will say it is normal and accept it as fact..biology…just what we do and how we work…but I don’t buy it… It’s some alien evidence, it’s disgusting, and it destroys these bitches at their core and by core I mean pussies.. That said, she did this shoot when she wasn’t overly pregnant..so take it in because she is great and I have been a fan of hers for a long time, so mourn her… The post Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Not Pregnant in this Photoshoot of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Not Pregnant in this Photoshoot of the DAy