Tag Archives: listed-the-same

Rick Ross Apologizes For Rape Lyrics, Critics Unmoved

Rick Ross sent Twitter messages to fans and sponsors Thursday apologizing for a lyric in one of his new songs that seems to condone rape. He’s been literally under fire – the Rick Ross drive-by shooting investigation is ongoing – and he’s taking verbal shots thanks to his “U.O.E.N.O.” lyrics:     Put molly all in her champagne, she ain’t even know it     I took her home and I enjoyed that, she ain’t even know it . Last week, Ross seemed unrepentant during an interview with the New Orleans radio station Q93, pointing out only that “the word rape wasn’t used.” But the criticism continued to build, and he apologized Thursday : “I don’t condone rape. Apologies for the #lyric interpreted as rape.” He followed it an hour later with a second message: “Apologies to my many business partners, who would never promote violence against women.” That note specifically mentioned Reebok and UltraViolet. The latter, a feminist organization, threatened to protest outside a Reebok store in NYC and circulate a petition demanding it cut ties with Rick Ross. The group’s co-founder Nita Chaudhary said Ross “is pushing the idea that if you don’t use the word ‘rape’ it doesn’t count. We are fed up and disgusted.” Talib Kweli, a New York rapper, added, “Rick Ross condoned rape in that song and he shouldn’t, he should apologize, and the apology he offered was unacceptable.” This is surprisingly the least of the rapper’s woes lately. Ross was shot at from another car in January while in Florida, though it is unclear by whom.

Rick Ross Apologizes For Rape Lyrics, Critics Unmoved

Target Dress Apology: Our Bad, Fat People!

Target has been forced to issue an apology after a rather embarrassing marketing snafu. As noted by an online shopper named Susan Clemens, who Tweeted her discovery to the company, Target listed the same dress twice on its official website this week: Once in a standard size described as “heather gray,” the other in a plus-size described as “manatee gray.” OOPS!   Jessica Deede referred to the incident as an “unintended oversight” and told Today : “We never want to offend any of our guests. We apologize for any discomfort that we may have caused.” Manatee Gray, it should be mentioned, does appear across the Target catalog in a number of products, not all of which are intended for overweight patrons. Target has removed the plus-size versions of the outfit from its site and Deede says the retailer will use this as a “learning experience,” adding: “We are in the process of fixing the discrepancy and updating Target.com so the gray dress will be available in all styles. We’re working on updating our systems right now.”

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Target Dress Apology: Our Bad, Fat People!