Tag Archives: little-chance

Lamar Odom: Off Life Support! Breathing On His Own!

Do you believe in miracles? It’s not hard not to after hearing the latest updates regarding Lamar Odom’s amazing recovery over the past 24 hours. Let’s recap: On Tuesday, Odom was found unconscious in his room at the Love Ranch brothel in Nevada. Not even two days later, Odom was declared brain dead , and doctors told his family and friends that there was little chance he would ever regain consciousness. Just as it seemed all hope was lost, hospital sources revealed this afternoon that Odom opened his eyes as his breathing tube was removed. Now, in a truly astonishing development, TMZ is reporting that Odom has been removed from the ventilator that was breathing for him and is being weaned off of life support . Obviously, Odom is far from out of the woods, as it remains unlikely that he’ll ever fully recover from this brush with death. He remains on dialysis and there’s no way of knowing what sort of lasting effects a series of strokes and several days in a coma will have upon his brain. Still, for a man who seemed to be in the verge of death just hours ago, this is a miraculous turnaround. We’ll keep you updated on Lamar’s condition as more information becomes available.  View Slideshow: Lamar Odom: A Timeline of Tragedy

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Lamar Odom: Off Life Support! Breathing On His Own!