Word to Etta James, she’d rather go blind … than clean her contacts! Chinese College Student Loses Eyesight After Dirty Contact Lens Bacteria Eats Away At Corneas Seriously, you should never be that busy that you can’t prevent yourself from going blind. Via MailOnline reports : A student in Taiwan who kept a pair of disposable contact lenses in her eyes for six months has been left blinded after a microscopic bug devoured her eyeballs. The tiny single-cell amoeba ate away at undergraduate Lian Kao’s sight because she didn’t take out and clean the contacts once during that time. The general advice is to avoid wearing contacts for more than eight hours a day. Yet apparently 23-year-old Kao had even kept her contact lenses in at all times, even at the swimming pool. Medics were horrified when they removed the contact lenses to find that the surface of the girl’s eyes had literally been eaten by the amoeba that had been able to breed in the perfect conditions that existed between the contact lens and the eye. The director of ophthalmology at Taipei’s Wan Fang Hospital, Wu Jian-liang, said: ‘Contact lens wearers are a high-risk group that can easily be exposed to eye diseases. ‘A shortage of oxygen can destroy the surface of the epithelial tissue, creating tiny wounds into which the bacteria can easily infect, spreading to the rest of the eye and providing a perfect breeding ground. ‘The girl should have thrown the contact lenses away after a month but instead she overused them and has now permanently damaged her corneas.’ He said that she had been diagnosed with acanthamoeba keratitis, which although rare was always more common in the summer. Poor thang. But it’s really not that hard to take your contacts out at night and clean them. SMH… Shutterstock
Originally posted here:
College Student Blinded When Microscopic Bug Eats Away At Her Eyeballs After She Failed To Clean Contacts For 6 Months!