Tag Archives: little-darker

College Student Blinded When Microscopic Bug Eats Away At Her Eyeballs After She Failed To Clean Contacts For 6 Months!

Word to Etta James, she’d rather go blind … than clean her contacts! Chinese College Student Loses Eyesight After Dirty Contact Lens Bacteria Eats Away At Corneas Seriously, you should never be that busy that you can’t prevent yourself from going blind. Via MailOnline reports : A student in Taiwan who kept a pair of disposable contact lenses in her eyes for six months has been left blinded after a microscopic bug devoured her eyeballs.  The tiny single-cell amoeba ate away at undergraduate Lian Kao’s sight because she didn’t take out and clean the contacts once during that time. The general advice is to avoid wearing contacts for more than eight hours a day. Yet apparently 23-year-old Kao had even kept her contact lenses in at all times, even at the swimming pool. Medics were horrified when they removed the contact lenses to find that the surface of the girl’s eyes had literally been eaten by the amoeba that had been able to breed in the perfect conditions that existed between the contact lens and the eye. The director of ophthalmology at Taipei’s Wan Fang Hospital, Wu Jian-liang, said: ‘Contact lens wearers are a high-risk group that can easily be exposed to eye diseases. ‘A shortage of oxygen can destroy the surface of the epithelial tissue, creating tiny wounds into which the bacteria can easily infect, spreading to the rest of the eye and providing a perfect breeding ground. ‘The girl should have thrown the contact lenses away after a month but instead she overused them and has now permanently damaged her corneas.’ He said that she had been diagnosed with acanthamoeba keratitis, which although rare was always more common in the summer. Poor thang. But it’s really not that hard to take your contacts out at night and clean them. SMH… Shutterstock

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College Student Blinded When Microscopic Bug Eats Away At Her Eyeballs After She Failed To Clean Contacts For 6 Months!

Instagram Creepin’ Cassandra Dawn of the Day

Her name is Cassandra Dawn and creeping her instagram is how I am ringing in Martin Luther King day, even though she’s not black, but motherfucker, she inspires me and makes me want to stand on a podium and inspire you with my very own I had a dream speech…that would probably include descriptive sex scenes like I was that bitch who wrote 50 Shades of Grey, only a little darker…straight from the basement level rape alley of my soul… Here are some of her instagram pics to start my day at 4 pm EST. CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW HER ON INSTAGRAM

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Instagram Creepin’ Cassandra Dawn of the Day

Hello! John Travolta Introduces Baby Ben

After tragically losing teenage son Jett to a seizure in 2009, John Travolta and Kelly Preston welcomed a second son, Benjamin, in late November. Unveiling the new addition to their family in Hello (as well as People ), Travolta says the baby has given “the house a renewed spirit and purpose.” With all the negative press Travolta has received – Carrie Fisher saying he’s gay and whatnot – it’s just nice to see him posing with the happy family … That baby Ben sure is cute . Given that Kelly Preston is pushing 50, welcoming baby Ben and having him be healthy and happy must feel like even more of a blessing for the family.

See the article here:
Hello! John Travolta Introduces Baby Ben

Sarah Palin Responds to Gabrielle Giffords Tragedy; Decries "Mindless Finger Pointing"

In a new video, Sarah Palin has decried the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords , along with the finger-pointing she believes has made her a scapegoat of sorts. Slamming critics who say she bears blame, she says “We must reject the idea that [when] a law is broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker.” Check out her full video response here and comment below: Sarah Palin Speaks on Gabrielle Giffords Shooting Sarah drew criticism after it was discovered that Rep. Giffords was targeted in Palin’s crosshairs map of GOP takeover opportunities released last fall. Palin says media figures “manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn. That is reprehensible.” Pointing fingers at finger-pointing, the former Governor adds: “We are better than the mindless finger pointing we endured in the wake of the tragedy.” What do you think? Is Sarah Palin partly to blame?

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Sarah Palin Responds to Gabrielle Giffords Tragedy; Decries "Mindless Finger Pointing"

Chely Wright Speaks on Death Threats, Reaction to Sexual Orientation

Chely Wright came out as a gay country artist in May 2010. But while some critics may believe that announcement was publicity-driven, Wright says the result has been anything but positive for her career. “I haven’t talked about the negative,” Wright said this week. “You won’t hear me bitching and moaning on my Facebook about the hate mail I’ve gotten. My life has been threatened. I get nasty letters every day, ‘I’m through with you Chely Wright, you’re going to hell.'” Has Wright received support from fellow singers? Only from Mary Chapin Carpenter, at least in public. “They wouldn’t want their fans to know they were LGBT friendly,” the singer says of private messages other stars have offered. “There are also artist friends who I never heard from again. There are a lot of other people in the industry that I had a friendly email relationship with, or would occasionally text with, that I have not heard a word from.”

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Chely Wright Speaks on Death Threats, Reaction to Sexual Orientation

Miley Cyrus to Anchor Supernatural Thriller?

The movie offers continue to come in for Miley Cyrus. First, her mother reportedly optioned the rights for a music video to be made into a feature-length film. Now, the screenwriter behind Disturbia and Paranormal Activity 2 has said in a new interview that he hopes to work with Cyrus on “Wake,” a big screen version of Lisa McMann’s book series. “It’s sort of a vehicle for Miley Cyrus,” Landon says. “She is looking to sort of get out of her cutesy Hannah Montana image… She wanted to do something a little edgier and a little darker, so we’re making this movie hopefully… It’s about a teenage girl who has a rare form of narcalepsy. When she’s within a certain distance of someone sleeping, she passes out and goes into their dreams.” Landon says there’s “definitely a spooky element to it.” Cyrus has made it clear she hopes to be taken seriously as a movie actress. She just finished filming LOL with Demi Moore and Ashley Greene.

See the original post here:
Miley Cyrus to Anchor Supernatural Thriller?