Tag Archives: live-on-twitter

Bangin Candy: Drake’s Ex-Flame & Twitter Buddy Maliah Michel

Drake is a true night owl of Twitter, usually reserving most of his tweet binging for very late at night. However, last night he might have been sending a few shots at his ex queen, exotic dancer Maliah Michel. “Sometimes I wanna tweet things like “B-tch how you stop f-ckin with me and now you live on twitter everyday”…but then I just don’t,” he cryptically tweeted… Continue

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Bangin Candy: Drake’s Ex-Flame & Twitter Buddy Maliah Michel

Chrissy Tiegan and Kate Upton Hot and Slutty for Halloween of the Day

I wrote to Kate Upton and Chrissy Tiegan, not that they read what I wrote, but that’s the beauty of twitter…..either way I tweeeted to them that I would take their pictures that already live on twitter, save them to my computer, put them up to my site and write some useless drivel about their lives, cuz I don’t have a life of my own, and instead of being at the party with them, offering you my perspective of the shit, I just post their shit along with every other internet loser and say how hot it is….cuz it is hot…. Since I’m a man of his word…sometimes, when it is convenient, here are pics of some bikini models hanging out in costume, one a skeleton getting sucked, the other a toddler in tiara getting her ass sniffed, in a way that makes me wish I wasn’t in a committed relationship with my couch…and reminds us that we were at the wrong party last night… But luckily re-using other people’s pictures everyone else posts is as good as being there and it is starting to depress me…..but then I look at these pictures and realize how good they are…and that I can’t actually compete, or be depressed when pussy like this exists…. so I’ll just go along with this hotness….along with everyone else….Now here are some good girls using twitter right… Thanks Chrissy Tiegan and Kate Upton for reminding us life doesn’t suck for everyone…

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Chrissy Tiegan and Kate Upton Hot and Slutty for Halloween of the Day

Chrissy Tiegan and Kate Upton Hot and Slutty for Halloween of the Day

I wrote to Kate Upton and Chrissy Tiegan, not that they read what I wrote, but that’s the beauty of twitter…..either way I tweeeted to them that I would take their pictures that already live on twitter, save them to my computer, put them up to my site and write some useless drivel about their lives, cuz I don’t have a life of my own, and instead of being at the party with them, offering you my perspective of the shit, I just post their shit along with every other internet loser and say how hot it is….cuz it is hot…. Since I’m a man of his word…sometimes, when it is convenient, here are pics of some bikini models hanging out in costume, one a skeleton getting sucked, the other a toddler in tiara getting her ass sniffed, in a way that makes me wish I wasn’t in a committed relationship with my couch…and reminds us that we were at the wrong party last night… But luckily re-using other people’s pictures everyone else posts is as good as being there and it is starting to depress me…..but then I look at these pictures and realize how good they are…and that I can’t actually compete, or be depressed when pussy like this exists…. so I’ll just go along with this hotness….along with everyone else….Now here are some good girls using twitter right… Thanks Chrissy Tiegan and Kate Upton for reminding us life doesn’t suck for everyone…

See the original post here:
Chrissy Tiegan and Kate Upton Hot and Slutty for Halloween of the Day

10 Of The Wackiest Celebrity Parody Twitter Accounts

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Although Twitter is a great way to network and stay up to date with your favorite celebrities, it has become the number social media platform for foolery. There are millions of people around the world using Twitter daily and sometimes things can get a bit out of hand. We have seen celebrity feuds and beefs live on Twitter. However Twitter will keep you laughing until your stomach is hurting. One of the funniest things about Twitter are the parody accounts that get created. Most of the time your favorite celebrity are the butt of those jokes. Check out TUD’s 10 wackiest Twitter accounts below. @KatStacksBangs – Created in honor of Kat Stacks’s famous bangs that she is known for.  ” Dat bitch @ necolebitchie jus mad she can’t get her muthafuckin bangs like me. Learn the game hoe NO MUTHAFUCKIN SCISSORS.” @FabsTeeth – Created in honor of rapper Fabolous’s world famous chipped tooth. Like Fabolous this parody accounts spits bars about his teeth. “Toothpaste plus me, it equals better math./ Ya boy tooth chiped i miss my other half.” @RayJ_Hoodie – Created in honor of the red hoodie Ray J wore during his fight with Fabolous. The account has reached almost 3K followers and repping hard. ” Nah @ JoeBudden you are not with # MoneyTeam blood. Stay with Slaughterhouse….” @ Drakes_Eyebrows – Now you know someone had to create an acount about Drake’s eyebrows. @ TyreseWisdoms – Tyrese has become the r&b Rev. Run on Twitter. He seems to always have something inspirational to tweet about. Things have gotten so bad that people who follow Tyrese has started to complain. Just like Tyrese this Parody account can’t spell. “TI goes to gel for riding on a bus and Gucci Mane goes to gel for throw a battery. Shit is  # FUCKEDUP ” @NotGaryBusey – This parody account is not Gary Busey. One of the first parody accounts in honor of a celebrity but not the celebrity. I know it doesn’t make sense but just like Gary Busey this Twitter account is wacky as all hell. “Can you get a DUI riding a dog?  I need to know because I’m drunk and your mom wants to come over. # BOOM ” @ChrisBrownBowTie – When Chris Brown appeared on Larry King wearing a blue bow tie everyone on Twitter had jokes. Moments later the infamous Bow Tie had a Twitter account of its own. Chris Brown recently released his rap mixtape and maybe he got the idea from this Twitter account. “go head ask Rhi how my left hand feel / baby run away with me / f**k that Def Jam deal” @WaynesJeggins – Creted after Lil’ Wayne debut his now famous jeggins on 2011′s VMAs. This parody account has some self esteem issue. Wayne’s Jeggins wants to be worn more often. “i got da perfect outfit for da Hip-Hop Awards … Sum Red & White vans , a pair of us Jeggings ,  @ RayJ_Hoodie & a Bulls Snapback  # MAJORSWAG ” @BeyonceJayFetus – Seems like the entire world has been waiting for Jay-Z and Beyonce to get pregnant. The two finally announced the good news at the 2011 VMAs and world just can’t stop talking about it. “Grandpa Matthew is trying to sign me as a client already. How am I even supposed to get a pen in here?” @Frees_Ass – Created in honor of Free’s booty. The account was created after Free appeared on the 2011 BET Awards and had every man who watched mouth watering. “LMMFAO somebody planked on me!!  http://twitpic.com/5hz83z # FreesAss ” Follow @itsJazzyFBaby Recent Posts: 50 Cent Takes Control Of Rick Ross’s Twitter? Free Responds To Her Booty Trending On Twitter [AUDIO] Wildest Celebrity Tweets & Twitter Fights Of 2010

10 Of The Wackiest Celebrity Parody Twitter Accounts