Tag Archives: lohan-at-amfar

Lindsay Lohan Borrows $1,700 Dress, Returns it in Tatters

Lindsay Lohan allegedly borrowed a really expensive dress, only to return the thing trashed … raise your hand if you’re surprised by this. Hello? Anyone? Lohan went from black tie to the blacklist, according to the N.Y. Daily News , after she got her hands on a pair of scissors following last week’s amFAR gala. At a nightclub, our girl proceeded to CHOP OFF THE ENTIRE BOTTOM HALF off of the RENTED, $1,700 beaded nude and silver Theia Couture dress. Hey. Sometimes you gotta liven things up and/or get some air. Obviously, Lohan is singing a different tune about the events that transpired that night, but the owners of the ruined dress aren’t pleased in any case. “She said the dress ripped by accident and she got scissors from a bouncer at a club to fix it. She said she didn’t have a choice in the matter,” says a source. “God only knows what really happened.” Pretty much sums up LiLo’s entire life at this point. “The dress came back shredded, and you just don’t do that to people. It’s disgusting in the sense that this was a beautiful dress with intricate chains and beading.” “There was no need to cut the dress,” the source continued, noting that in Lindsay Lohan fashion , “She supposedly had another short dress with her in the car.” Lohan’s stylist for the AmFAR event said the situation was under control and that there were no hard feelings over the ill-fated frock … yeah right.

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Lindsay Lohan Borrows $1,700 Dress, Returns it in Tatters