Tag Archives: lohan-tweeting

Lindsay Lohan Possibly Likens Her Jail Sentence to Human Rights Violation in Tweeting Rampage

We put nothing past Lindsay Lohan. Nothing. That said, she did not overtly compare her legal plight to that of an Iranian woman being tragically stoned in her latest Twitter rant. But you still have to wonder. Maybe she’s just so moved by Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, who may be stoned to death for adultery, that she linked to Newsweek article to draw attention to it. Or she’s trying to subtly draw a ridiculous parallel to herself, having been sentenced to 90 days in jail Tuesday for repeatedly, brazenly violating her probation. Come on. Has Lindsay ever cared about anything besides herself? We’re talking about a spoiled brat who walks into court with the words “f–k u” on her nails . Just saying. Read from the bottom up and see what you think …