Tag Archives: look-at-linds

Should Lindsay Lohan Do Time?

Lindsay Lohan has clearly violated her probation , but will that land her in jail? If you look at Linds’ alcohol education record, it’s clear she has a problem … and not just with substance abuse and subsequent anger issues. With the law. The train wreck must come to court on May 20 and prove to the judge she has attended 13 classes. To date, Lindsay has done nine. It is currently May 13. One week, four additional classes? How is she gonna fit that into her partying schedule? This poses a big problem. Even if she did, it wouldn’t fix things. Even if Lindsay completes 13 classes by May 20, she still would have violated Judge Marsha Revel’s order to attend at least one class every seven days. So the question is: Will Lindsay go to jail , and should she? Vote in our survey: Where will she end up? [Photo: PacificCoastNewsOnline.com] Lindsay Lohan belongs in …

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Should Lindsay Lohan Do Time?