We’ve seen enough crazy weather in the last 12 months to no longer have to question whether or not global warming exists. But contrary to what some would have you believe, the US didn’t single-handedly destroy the environment with our love of S.U.V.s and penchant for waste. The World Health Organization just conducted a study to see who the biggest polluters are across the globe. The WHO study looked at air quality in 91 countries, measured by the amount of PM10 particles per cubic meter. PM10 particles are particles of 10 micrometers or less that can cause diseases and infections. According to the WHO, PM10 levels above 20 micrograms per cubic meter can cause health risks. The top ten most polluted countries have PM10 levels from six times to 14 times that level. Dayum! Which countries managed to hit those levels? And where does the U.S. fall in all of this? Flip through to find out.
Originally posted here:
It’s A Dirty, Dirty World: 10 Countries Where Humans Are Speeding Up The End Of Days With Pollution