It always feels weird to me when I promote Sara Underwood…or at least notice Sara Underwood….cuz she’s wearing a tight dress…because she’s some Playboy bitch who only exists because of Playboy…who hookered herself out to Seacrest and landed a gig on a show that targeted nerds and that has since been cancelled…bringing her back to her roots as nothing but a playboy chick…who can google and see naked in Playboy…from back in her prime…rather than lookin at pics of her in a tight dress that are current….because nudity…no matter when it was shot…is just better to jerk off to….no matter how hot and tight her fake tits and awesome booty look in her short little dress….and some night club…lookin for a new husband to take her career to the next level….by getting pregnant when she can cuz it is all downhill from here… Sure she’s flashing some panties…but panty flashes don’t matter when you’re a Playboy bitch who has her pussy all over the internet….whether you spent a year on a TV show that got cancelled or not…
See the article here:
Sara Jean Underwood’s Got a Tight Dress on of the Day