Twenty Questions with Hot Porn Starlet Aria Lee Ashley Madekwe Selfie in Slightly Transparent Tank Top Kate Upton Pregnant Pokies in a White Dress! Chrissy Teigen Big Fat Hard Nippled Tits of the Day Ashley Graham Showcases Her Colorful Cleavage Curves In Gorgeous Slip Dress Rachel Zoe Slips A Nip On The Red Carpet Shelley Fox Washing Dishes in Lingerie! Jessica Biel Finally Gets A Job Eiza Gonzalez’s Awesome Booty In Skin-Tight Leggings Will Melt Your Eyeballs! Bridget Malcolm Lusty Lingerie Picture Moment … read more
I was invited to go to the Rihanna concert pretty last minute last night…and since i was already drunk….and since I am in love with Rihanna….for some many reasons….starting with her being hot bodied and broken…rich and famous….a rumored child prostitute turned popstar who lets her boyfriend beat her up then runs back to him….who is at the top of her game…. And despite her showing up an hour late, and her inability to actually sing or hold a note, despite being run through auto-tune machinery….she was pretty hot to watch do her dancehall dancing for an hour….I’m talking humping the air, twerking, gyrating, slapping the floor…. I have a feeling she may have had a yeast infection…cuz she kept scratching her vagina….but maybe that’s all part of the show… Either way, I am unapologetic for going, mainly because along with Rihanna being a live action porno movie for my mind…her fans, at least here, are some gutter girls….strippers, fake tits, some with kids, some with boyfriends, all fucking gyrating in the audience along with her….making the whole experience…sexy as fuck…reminding me that Rihanna is the hottest bitch in the game right now…. HERE ARE A BUNCH OF PICS OF HER IN CONCERT FOLLOW THIS LINK
Sophie Turner is a funny story to those of you who have never heard of her…and I am going to assume most of you haven’t…because that’s all part of what makes her story funny…. She’s some Australian who was in law school, but decided that she was too hot for law school, and decided to join a reality show finding what I can assume was the next Glamour Model….but that she likes to call “supermodel competition”….leading her to LA where she got little to no work, was nothing but a bikini body to the paparazzi, and that kept the struggle on until realizing she should go back to law school, cuz this fame shit doesn’t work for everyone…..but she still had the bug….burning in side her…the fire….leading to her self produced twitter pics…and now this shoot with some youtube channel…where she crawls around in her lingerie…for what I can assume she didn’t get pay for…unless you consider someone noticing you…getting paid…and I’m gonna assume she does…
It always feels weird to me when I promote Sara Underwood…or at least notice Sara Underwood….cuz she’s wearing a tight dress…because she’s some Playboy bitch who only exists because of Playboy…who hookered herself out to Seacrest and landed a gig on a show that targeted nerds and that has since been cancelled…bringing her back to her roots as nothing but a playboy chick…who can google and see naked in Playboy…from back in her prime…rather than lookin at pics of her in a tight dress that are current….because nudity…no matter when it was shot…is just better to jerk off to….no matter how hot and tight her fake tits and awesome booty look in her short little dress….and some night club…lookin for a new husband to take her career to the next level….by getting pregnant when she can cuz it is all downhill from here… Sure she’s flashing some panties…but panty flashes don’t matter when you’re a Playboy bitch who has her pussy all over the internet….whether you spent a year on a TV show that got cancelled or not…
I’ve only seen the show Modern Family a couple of times, but I’m not afraid to admit that I noticed Sarah Hyland’s hotness right away. I know that sounds perberted because she plays a teenager, but I already knew she was an adult so it’s not all that creepy. Anyhow, here she is at some movie premiere dropping a little cleavage. Well, trying to drop some cleavage. Nice sternum.