Sophie Turner is a funny story to those of you who have never heard of her…and I am going to assume most of you haven’t…because that’s all part of what makes her story funny…. She’s some Australian who was in law school, but decided that she was too hot for law school, and decided to join a reality show finding what I can assume was the next Glamour Model….but that she likes to call “supermodel competition”….leading her to LA where she got little to no work, was nothing but a bikini body to the paparazzi, and that kept the struggle on until realizing she should go back to law school, cuz this fame shit doesn’t work for everyone…..but she still had the bug….burning in side her…the fire….leading to her self produced twitter pics…and now this shoot with some youtube channel…where she crawls around in her lingerie…for what I can assume she didn’t get pay for…unless you consider someone noticing you…getting paid…and I’m gonna assume she does…
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Sophie Turner Gets Work of the Day