Tag Archives: losers-hurting

Taylor Swift Phony Lesbian See Through of the Day

I’ve heard Taylor Swift is a lesbian….I don’t know if that is entirely true…but like many lesbians she was broken by a dude bad enough to write a song about it…something normal people would see as being a little crazy about things…had it been their ex girlfriend writing a song about you…in a get the fuck over it you obsessive cunt….until realizing it is all marketing and about making money off public events to relate to losers hurting everywhere…all while letting girls eat her cunt cuz guys are dicks….. If you know what I mean….. But it turns out that the real dick is Taylor Swift….hence why her lesbian rumors may be truth…cuz wearing a dress that looks see through…but isn’t is like a spit in the face of all the motherfuckers who want to see the bitch in a see through….it’s a cocktease…something lesbians would do in their man-hating program to turn all girls lesbian…..and rip the dicks off all men who aren’t in their sperm donor farm to keep the world population controlled…and eating organic foods, wearing plaid, drinking in coffee shops and wearing combat boots….

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Taylor Swift Phony Lesbian See Through of the Day