Tag Archives: lost-as-dallas

Carmelo Anthony Takes Out Full Page In The New York Daily News To Call On Fellow Athletes To Stand For Change On Police Brutality

Carmelo Anthony Makes Public Stance Against Police Brutality Carmelo Anthony has joined the small ranks of sports stars to speak out against the heinous acts of police brutality that have occurred within the last week — followed by an act of terror against police in Dallas, Texas. Whereas many athletes have been slow to speak, Carmelo is calling on his fellow sportsmen to stand up and rise together to use their recognition and influence to denounce what’s happening and work toward solutions. He shared a photo of Muhammad Ali, Jim Brown and Lew Alcindor seated together the Ali Summit 45 years ago along with the following statement to his Instagram account on Friday: A sentiment which he also plastered on a full-page in the New York Daily News, to drive his point home: Hopefully he can inspire others to stand up with him and help try to find peaceful solutions to the issues at hand… Instagram/NYDN/Splash/WENN/Getty

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Carmelo Anthony Takes Out Full Page In The New York Daily News To Call On Fellow Athletes To Stand For Change On Police Brutality

Beyonce Sends Heartfelt Condolence Message For The Officers Shot Down In Dallas

Beyonce Posts Condolences For Fallen Police Celebs are pouring in their concern , mourning, and frustration over the senseless killings by police of unarmed Black men, and also the recent senseless killings of five Dallas PD officers patrolling at a protest rally last night. Despite the fact that police forces around the country have tried to peg her as an anti-police isht-starter after her Super Bowl Performance and openly expressed sympathy for the families of those slain by police in recent years, Beyonce made sure to show her support for the Blue Lives lost as Dallas’ Black Lives Matter rally came to a close yesterday evening. In a post to her Instagram. Bey pays tribute to the five names of those picked off by the snipers: We wonder what all the people who try to paint Bey as “anti police” will have to say about this one… Instagram/YouTube

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Beyonce Sends Heartfelt Condolence Message For The Officers Shot Down In Dallas