Tag Archives: lost-the-little

Selena Gomez Failed at Halloween of the Day

I don’t know why Selena Gomez is hanging with Ellen dressed like Frankenstein…but I do know that her costume fucking sucks. Maybe dating Justin Beiber has given her a taste of lesbianism she can’t get out of her mouth…you know since he is a Little Woman….leading to birkenstocks in socks, flannel, organic raw vegan diets, furgal eco travel in youth hostels, volunteering at orphanages, and remember always that penis is the devil….and thus we must not dress in a way that makes them hard…not even on Halloween…. Or maybe, I’m just over reacting.

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Selena Gomez Failed at Halloween of the Day

Amanda Bynes Naked in the Tanning Salon of the Day

I just got this amazing email: Amanda Bynes caused quite a scene during a recent visit to Beach Bum Tanning in NYC. An eyewitness tells In Touch that the troubled starlet shocked customers when she appeared in main salon area — completely naked! After purchasing a Mystic spray-tan session, the 26-year-old was set up in a private room — but it wasn’t long before Amanda strode back out into the main salon area in search of goggles. Only problem: She wasn’t wearing any clothes! “She walked out of the room completely naked,” the eyewitness tells In Touch. “She didn’t seem to care that everyone saw her naked.” “She seemed totally out of it,” the eyewitness says. “She took her time walking back to the Mystic room, dragging her fingers along the wall and smiling at customers who passed her.” The eyewitness adds: “There was definitely something wrong with her.” Best fucking news ever…. I want to see the pics….someone out there…an employee of Mystic tan…must have security footage of this happening….and I need it…because Amanda Bynes, despite her weird face…has a hot little body I want to see naked…. I hope this drug addiction, fallen off the radar shit is true…cuz child star turns into porn star would be a nice way to end this Amanda Bynes story….

Amanda Bynes Naked in the Tanning Salon of the Day

Avril Lavigne’s Sailer Costume of the Day

I lost the little respect I had for Avril Lavigne when I found out she was engaged to the guy in Nickelback…because that band is the worst pile of fucking shit to come out of Canada…it pretty much offends me and the lead singer’s face annoys me…and knowing that anyone would willingly hang out with him…or more importantly have sex with him…especially when they don’t have to cuz they are Avril Lavigne and have their own money that make groupie-ing out to garbage unnecessary….makes me hate them by association…… Not that I ever really had respect for Avril Lavigne….I mean 30 year old pretending to be a 15 year old suburban mall girl filled with angst never appealed to me….if anything those 15 year old emo kids annoy me when they are 15….and feel that they should know better… But I did find her ex-husband’s costume mocking her pretty funny…. And I don’t really mind her in a generic sailer costume like she’s a little slut…..you know out of her oversized sweater she wears to hide her cutting and tears….because sluts are ultimately what life is all about.

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Avril Lavigne’s Sailer Costume of the Day