A parent’s number one job is to love their child unconditionally; and, for most of us, that comes easily. Difficulties come with figuring out to how to best demonstrate our love and effectively communicate it to our children. Love is not an emotion but an action and children have to see their parent’s love at work. We are inclined to love our children in much the same way our parents loved us, good and bad. But, we only owe our seed the good as the goal is for every generation to get better. Love isn’t always gentle and it doesn’t always speak in a soft voice, but it is selfless and committed to generating positive outcomes. The act of love encompasses many things and it’s important to tackle areas of weakness individually. These are a few of the components we should focus on to help convey love to our children… Continued at MadameNoire.com
See the rest here:
10 Things We Owe Our Children