Tag Archives: love-the-cover

Justin Bieber & His Stupid Hair Cover Mad Magazine

Justin Bieber is on the cover of the April 2011 issue of Mad Magazine .    The Usual Gang of Idiots at Mad magazine have parodied Justin Bieber.  Coverboy Alfred E. Neuman  is disguised as  The Biebs and sports the haircut that made Justin famous.  Justin has recently gotten rid of the do and now has a cooler one.  Bieber Fever is out of control.  Justin has nail polish, trading cards, commercials, a book and a new movie just released. Now by virtue of being parodied by America’s number one satirical magazine has truly arrived. The tag line of the magazine – all in great fun of course 🙂 reads: “His stupid hair, his dumb book, his terrible move and his awful music.” Mad’s editor-in-chief said : “That was probably the highlight of his career and being on the cover of MAD is the lowlight. We like to do what we call Zeitgeist covers. When we found that his movie was debuting just about the same time we would be coming with the issue, we knew he’d be all over the place. He’ll hate it and buy every copy, and it will be a sellout. Or, conversely, Bieber won’t even notice and we’ll probably sell three copies of the issue. Every time we put one of these young teen stars on the covers — this goes back to New Kids on the Block — we do get a ton of mail from prepubescent girls. The weird thing is I happened to be looking through old issues and we did a piece on Elvis, too. So that must be hardwired into the DNA of prepubescent girls. When somebody attacks, they do the same. The magazine has changed quite a bit. We take ads, which was a trade-off for the color. Certainly the humor has been ramped up as society has been ramped up. MAD just reflects the signs of the times. It’s a great time because there’re so many whack jobs for us to go after. The lunatic fringe is alive and well from the right to the left. There’s never a shortage of material.” I love the cover!  What about you?  Thoughts? Tweet

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Justin Bieber & His Stupid Hair Cover Mad Magazine

Seungri featured on Brazilian TV as the Korean Justin Bieber & Justin Timberlake

Aside from gaining a nod from Perez Hilton, Big Bang’s maknae Seungri has found himself in the foreign spotlight – specifically, in the form of a two-minute feature report on the Brazilian news program “Leitura Dinâmica.” After a summary of the widespread popularity of Western artists like Justin Bieber and Justin Timberlake, Seungri was introduced through his latest music videos and hailed as a promising up & coming artist, similar to the Justin’s in terms of mainstream popularity and style. Here are the translations of the report: “Justin Bieber and Justin Timberlake are important names of the actual pop music and serve as reference for many people. Even for a South Korean singer. “Somebody To Love” is still on the radio, in Justin Bieber’s voices. The forgotten “Sexy Back” from another Justin was the start of everything. The two singers already got the top place in the music rankings, but they will stay back after this, because Seungri is the man. Member of the boyband Big Bang, the South Korean singer made a new MV. He has the same music style of Justin Bieber, Usher and Timberlake. We found some similarities with Usher, Timberlake and Bieber. Seungri doesn’t talk about his references. “VVIP” is already in the online music charts, it’s a hit on the Korean radios and prepares his way in America. Justin Bieber and Justin Timberlake should be careful!” Thanks to tamtamvip for the tip! Source: http://www.allkpop.com Report translations: Pollyana & BIGBANGBrazil

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Seungri featured on Brazilian TV as the Korean Justin Bieber & Justin Timberlake

Justin Bieber Is ‘The Beautiful One’ for LOVE Magazine’s February 2011 Cover

Singer Justin Bieber , 16, graces the cover of British fashion magazine LOVE.  The Androgyny issue cover was shot by Terry Richardson and is title “ The Beautiful One “.  Justin will be featured on one of three covers including Kate Moss and transsexual model Lea T.  The other two covers were shot by Mert & Marcus. Justin says the following about girls screaming about him: “Dude, I was like six when I first heard girls screaming for me. The girls have always been screaming for me.” We love the cover how about you. Tweet

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Justin Bieber Is ‘The Beautiful One’ for LOVE Magazine’s February 2011 Cover