I don’t do many posts on Eva Longoria , but whenever I do, she always manages to make it a good one by showing off a serious amount of red carpet skin. And here she is at something called the Global Gift Gala wearing a dress with cutouts in all the right places. Since I take this job pretty seriously, I’ve spent a lot of time examining all the pictures to see if Eva had any wardrobe malfunctions, but it looks like that damn funbag tape wins again. Which is too bad, because that would’ve been a great gift for Eva to bring everyone. Oh well, maybe next time. » view all 15 photos
I don’t know about you guys, but I’m loving the new and improved Selena Gomez these days. It’s like working on Spring Breakers really brought out the best in her, and by best, I mean sexy. Because after those bikini pictures the other day, now we’re getting treated to a peek at her bra, with a side of Selena’s booty in leggings. At this rate, we should hopefully be getting some self-shot mirror pictures by the end of the month. Fingers crossed. Related Articles: Selena Gomez’s Cuteness Gets Molested Selena Gomez Gets Her Cute On Selena Gomez Is A Nice Young Lady Selena Gomez Is A Sexy Babysitter
It’s official: I’m loving the new and improved Natalie Portman . I have no clue why she was there, but here she is on the sidelines of the Baylor/Texas game showing off her new boobs. And they’re still big. Maybe not as big as that dude’s leg behind her, but personally, I like Natalie’s cleavage much better. I guess it’s true what they say, everything is bigger in Texas. Related Articles: Natalie Portman’s Perfect Little Booty Natalie Portman Busts Out Some Cleavage Scarlett Johansson & Natalie Portman: An Awesome Lesbian Fantasy Natalie Portman Nude Scene In Hotel Chevalier
Beyoncé is getting a little carried away with this motherhood thing. Apparently she and Hov are already working on making Blue Ivy a sibling too. Since the birth of daughter Blue Ivy last January, Beyoncé and Jay-Z have had no qualms about getting down and dirty when it comes to diaper duty. In fact, the proud parents‘ baby bliss has left them loving the new chore. “Actually, [Jay-Z] is very good. We both [change diapers]. I love changing diapers, I love it. I love every moment of it, it’s so beautiful. I love it all,” Beyoncé says during a Monday appearance on Anderson Live. From diaper changing champ to singing sensation, the songstress admits she frequently lulls her baby girl to sleep with sweet songs. “I make up actually a lot of crazy, corny songs,” she reveals, joking she would not give the host a taste of her talents unless he was willing to belt out “Single Ladies.” “Believe me, no one wants to see that,” Cooper answers. But, while the world may know her for her powerhouse performances, she insists she’s much like any other mother — especially in the eyes of Blue. “I’m Mommy and when [Blue] sees me — today was the first time she saw me perform in rehearsal — she was very confused,” Beyoncé, 31, shares. We don’t know anybody else who thinks baby poo is “beautiful” but apparently these two do and are already trying for a baby brother or sister for little Blue Ivy… The latest print issue of US Weekly quotes a source who says, “She definitely wants more kids,” a pal says of the star, “Jay wants a boy next so they can have one of each. They’re ready for a baby whenever it happens.” If they have another baby, what do you think they’ll name this one? Check out her interviews with Anderson Cooper below: Source
Raven -Symone vamps it up for this edgy photo shoot at Keith Myan’s studio.We’re not sure what these photos are for, but we’re loving the new look. Raven-Symone Spotted Rocking Her Natural Hair: Fab Or Fug? [PHOTOS ] Raven-Symone Returns To Television With Lead Role