Sexy Texan Lynn Collins stars as mouthwatering Martian princess Dejah Thoris in the new Disney movie John Carter , but we’re sad to say you won’t see Lynn’s Jiggly Star-bust in this blockbuster. Lynn shows off cleavage and tons of thigh throughout John Carter , but if you really want to blast off, orbit Lynn’s full moons on HBO’s vampire soap True Blood . Lynn appeared on True Blood’ s first season as a vampire groupie with a dominatrix streak, and bared boobs and exceptionally sexy butt for an athletic sex scene in episode 3. So forget John Carter- True Blood will harden your Dick Johnson. Check out Lynn Collins in sack-tion with video on our True Blood page, right here at!

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See John Carter Star Lynn Collins Nude at Mr. Skin [PIC]
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged athletic-sex, blockbuster, blood, celeb news, clips, collins, context, detected, Hollywood, lynn collins, movie nudity news, Sex, true-blood, vampire-groupie, will-harden