Tag Archives: lysol

Christina Hendricks Cleavage for Vivienne Westwood of the Day

Remember when I said Christina Hendricks was fat….well guess what…this just in…she’s still fucking fat…and with fat comes big tits…and with big tits comes a bunch of dudes who don’t care that she’s fat…cuz in their small redneck town where they are unemployed but like to frequent the hardware store and Walmart everyday…this bitch aint got shit on Bessy and all the other fucking cows they interact with on the daily….this one here…this Christina Hendricks…she’s all classy and probably smells like flowers….and not the kind you find in the Lysol spray like they are used to.. Here is porker posing for fashion….with some cleavage…boring…as fuck….

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Christina Hendricks Cleavage for Vivienne Westwood of the Day