Tag Archives: making-stupid

Kate Hudson’s MILF Cleavage Hits the Streets

It has been a while since I did a post on Kate Hudson , but if she keeps heading out in public with her MILF cleavage exposed, I think I’d be more than happy to feature her regularly. I don’t remember her boobs being this big, but I’m glad they’re still growing. » view all 16 photos           Photos: PacificCoastNews Continue reading

Weird Al Shops

Weird Al was way ahead of the game. Before, kids were making stupid videos on Vine, Weird Al was shooting silly videos back in 2010. Continue reading

The Slap By Max Landis of the Day

I am late to the game on this one….but Max Landis, who is the son of John Landis, who you may know as the director of a lot of fucking movies like Beverly Hills Cop III…and Animal House… It’s nice to see some Hollywood trust fund money and resources being spent on making stupid Youtube videos set to weird indy lesbian rock… I find this very relaxing to watch.

Go here to read the rest:
The Slap By Max Landis of the Day

Drunkenstepfather EDC Exclusive of the Day

Unless you’re the DJ who pulled off the greatest scam in the history of life by becoming a DJ right around the time DJs started getting paid stupid fucking money thanks to EDM going mainstream and all the lame suburban college kids decided they were ravers…. Or unless you’re the DJ who pulled off the greatest scam in the history of life’s groupie girlfriend, who when I used to go to raves we’d call the “DJ HO” or “record bitch”…back when DJs used records… Or unless you’re the sponsor, the VIP, or the dude making stupid money after organizing this event… Music festivals seem like a fucking nightmare…and I wouldn’t be caught dead at them, no matter how hot everyday girls giving the party life one last shot before turning 30, coupled with half naked 20 year olds, are… But I would convince my black friend to go take pics from drunkenstepfather, because half naked 20 year olds to 30 year olds raving..as stupid as it looks or sounds…are fun to stare at… So here’s our EDC exclusive…shot on a point and shoot by a black man…probably dressed like a muppet…named kaveriis photos

Drunkenstepfather EDC Exclusive of the Day

Fergie’s Lady Bulge

This is not exactly what I needed to see first thing in the morning. I’ve always said that Fergie was a little too manly for a woman but I was just making stupid jokes, I never wanted to be right, here she is grabbing her lady bulge on the way to a ball game the other day with her husband life partner Josh Duhamel. I don’t know what’s more disturbing, the fact that she may or may not have a penis or that she’s got a bigger handful than I do.

Read the rest here:
Fergie’s Lady Bulge