Tag Archives: more-disturbing

Male Escort Claims He Nearly Died When Democratic Donor Ed Buck Shot Him Up With Near-Lethal Dosage Of Meth After Sex [Video]

It seems political donor Ed Buck has a strange habit of inviting Black men over to his home for paid sexual dalliances and pumping them full of lethal drugs once they arrive. If this wasn’t evidenced enough by the steadily growing pile of Black bodies at his home over the last 18 months, now there is a firsthand account from an escort he personally injected with methamphetamines after a sexual encounter. Daily Mail TV has uncovered more disturbing details about the wealthy fundraiser’s alleged fatal fetish for drugging gay Black man with methamphetamines. 28-year-old Jermaine Gagnon recounts his own experience escorting for Buck, that ended in a near-fatal overdose on drugs that he never anticipated when he was initially flown out for sex. Gagnon also had photographic evidence of his encounter with Buck. SMH! Can you believe that this man is allegedly routinely carting Black men into his home to essentially kill with narcotics after he fulfils his sexual desires with them? Kevork Djansezian/Daily Mail

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Male Escort Claims He Nearly Died When Democratic Donor Ed Buck Shot Him Up With Near-Lethal Dosage Of Meth After Sex [Video]

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Recap – The Ticking Bomb

The Real Housewives of Atlanta proved the “Strip is a Trip” as we waited for the time bomb in the room to tick down to its inevitable explosion.  We recap who set the fuse and who went pop in our THG +/- review. The ladies left Hollywood behind and headed off of to Vegas…via bus.  Minus 12. Granted it was a nice bus but a bus ride all the same. Smartest Housewife award goes to NeNe Leakes once again for ditching the bus and flying first class.  Plus 20 . I wouldn’t have blamed her if she made up the excuse about working just so she could fly. To kill time Kenya decides they should all do a little improv and try out their best housewife impressions.  Honestly I thought that was going to go worse than it did. Best Impression award went to Kenya but not for the one on the bus. She and Cynthia nailed it in the hotel room when they were making fun of Phaedra. Plus 10 . Speaking of Phaedra, if anyone wanted to hand out honors for the craziest faces that girl would win hands down. How does she contort her face into those scrunchy shapes?  Minus 8. Does she know she looks like that on camera? Before we finally get off the damned bus, Kandi performs the worst stand up routine in the history of housewives. Seriously? Orgasms and farting.  Comedy is suppose to make you laugh, not go eww. Minus 19. Cynthia’s so tired she says she wants to use Phaedra’s donkey booty as a pillow.  Minus 10. When the bus ride finally ends, the stripping begins as they all head to the Crazy Horse, sans Porsha.  Kordell wouldn’t like it. You knew the ladies weren’t going to leave that one alone.  Certainly Kordell seems to rule the roost but Porsha appears to like it that way.   Even more disturbing was Phaedra feeling up the dancers. As NeNe said, “I thought she was gonna take a bite out of Hello Kitty.”  I don’t even want to know how much you have to tip for that. Minus 15. On a side note, perhaps someone should tell Cynthia she shouldn’t be riding a mechanical bull without panties…that is unless she’s auditioning at the strip club. Minus 11. Not that I’m against the Bedroom Kandi party but did they have to travel all the way to Vegas to have one?  Seems like they could have done that back in Atlanta. And I didn’t blame Porsha at all for not taking that pregnancy test.  Plus 15 . Some things really should be between a husband and wife. The strawberry seduction game was more disturbing than funny.  I saw more of Phaedra’s tongue than I needed to but when she took a jab at Kenya and brought up Walter one more time I really wished she would have kept it in her mouth. Leave it to Phaedra to throw out a hurtful dig and then act like she did nothing wrong. Minus 20. Honestly, I expected Kenya’s reaction to be more explosive.  She only went mildly cray cray, at least it was mild for Kenya. Time to agree to hate one another and just move on. Episode total =  -50!              Season total = -307!

See the original post:
The Real Housewives of Atlanta Recap – The Ticking Bomb

Jamie Kennedy and Jennifer Love Hewitt Vacation in Hawaii, Make Onlookers Nauseous

The nauseating publicity tour of Jamie Kennedy and Jennifer Love Hewitt continued this week. The relatively new couple will talk to reporters about their relationship and make out in front of the camera whenever possible. It’s like Tom Cruise is their dating coach

See the article here:
Jamie Kennedy and Jennifer Love Hewitt Vacation in Hawaii, Make Onlookers Nauseous

Fergie’s Lady Bulge

This is not exactly what I needed to see first thing in the morning. I’ve always said that Fergie was a little too manly for a woman but I was just making stupid jokes, I never wanted to be right, here she is grabbing her lady bulge on the way to a ball game the other day with her husband life partner Josh Duhamel. I don’t know what’s more disturbing, the fact that she may or may not have a penis or that she’s got a bigger handful than I do.

Read the rest here:
Fergie’s Lady Bulge