Tag Archives: malibu-country

The Real Housewives of Orange County Reunion Recap: Liars, Liars, Pants on Fire

Welcome back for Part Two of the  The Real Housewives of Orange County reunion! After the ladies grilled Gretchen on her maybe-more-than-friends relationship with a mystery dude during her late fiance’ Jeff’s illness–an event that happened  SEASONS ago and was mentioned in passing during the 100th episode special–Andy Cohen will finally give the fashion maven a chance to turn the tables on the girls. Will Gretchen get closure from her so-called “friends”? Ehhh, probably not.  If there’s one thing the previews tell us, it’s that the ladies better be wearing waterproof mascara. Let’s get started with our  THG +/-  recap, shall we? Minus 10  for hearing Vicki say “whoop it up” again. And minus 15 for reliving Stripper-gate.  Vomit.  Minus 45 for hearing about Jim’s Big Jim. OMG. Vomit and brain bleach and more vomit. And mouthwash. Lydia says she’ll be open with her kids about her mom’s pot-smoking ways, thanks in part to the show. Vicki’s never smoked pot and doesn’t think her mom should smoke it either. Um. Okay then. Tamra looks visibly upset when Andy brings up the secrets she revealed this season. She says that opening up about her past wasn’t what she planned to talk about at the Women’s Expo, but she did and she’s glad she did. None of Tamra’s friends or family knew any of her story.  She breaks down when she talks about Ryan and his struggles with mental health. Gretchen asks if Tamra feels lighter after revealing this part of herself and Tamra says yes. Gretchen encourages her to keep talking.  Plus 15. This is one big therapy sesh for Tamra.  Alexis says that she could tell Tamra was sincere when she made her apology. Alexis forgives her. And probably forgets, too. A caller says she doesn’t believe Tamra’s changed at all and is just trying to soften her image. Tamra says that isn’t true. More questions about the 100th episode. The one thing the women regret from the retrospective is seeing their hair. Especially Vicki. And her hair was pretty bad, so yeah. I’ll give her that. Talk turns to Gretchen again and the fact that Jo called her out on her relationship with Slade. Jo says Gretchen broke the “Girl Code.” Gretchen says she did no such thing.  Gretchen gave back the Rolls Royce Slade got for her birthday.  Plus 10. Everyone had a beef with Gretchen this season. Everyone. It wasn’t a good season for her. They jump directly into Tamra inviting Alexis to go dress shopping with her. When Gretchen says that Tamra didn’t really want Alexis at the dress shopping day, Alexis wants to know if she was really invited or not. Tamra says yes. She was really invited and wanted there. Tamra just couldn’t tell Gretchen that. Minus 9. There’s a lot of unintelligible shrieking about who’s a liar and who isn’t a liar and who’s difficult and who isn’t and I need an aspirin. After her stunt with wearing her engagement ring from Jeff to Tamra’s dress shopping day, Gretchen apparently has a problem with being happy for other people.  And now it’s time to talk about the now-canceled  Malibu Country .  Plus 15. Heather insists that the producers wanted a guest star to play the role of a housewife and called Gretchen who had availability issues. Then they wrote a role and called Heather specifically for that role and canned their offer to Gretchen because having two housewives from the same franchise on the show would’ve looked silly. Okay. Makes sense. Heather’s story now is that she was most upset with Gretchen for ruining Tamra’s dress shopping day with her story about  Malibu Country. Which doesn’t make sense. Because that’s not at all why Heather was upset.  Gretchen brings a voicemail from her agent to check her availability for  Malibu Country and all the other ladies chime in that they received similar calls.  Tamra gets upset that Gretchen just stood in the corner while they were dress shopping and didn’t seem at all interested in being there.  Gee, Tamra. Do you think Alexis being there had anything to do with it?  Minus 9 . Heather admits to being purposefully condescending to Gretchen in her text message about who called whom.  Minus 10.  She’s certainly not painted herself in the best light this season.  She and Gretchen split hairs over whether a call to Gretchen’s agent is the same thing as a call from casting and Gretchen calls Heather “Miss Superior.”  Andy asks Gretchen if she considers any of these women her friends after this season. Gretchen says “yeah, I do.” She considers Lydia and Heather friends, despite any drama this season.  Plus 15. She wishes she could be friends with Tamra and doesn’t hate Alexis but doesn’t know how to get things back to where they were. She has nothing at all to say about Vicki.  Alexis says that the only reason Gretchen wanted to be friends with Tamra was because Gretchen was scared of Tamra. Tamra thinks she could get her friendship back with Gretchen but she’s never going to trust her. Tamra calls Gretchen out on saying “I’m sorry you feel that way” instead of just “I’m sorry” and Gretchen says she’s heard it from two people now so she’ll take a look at it.  Plus 10. The focus turns to Alexis and her claim that the women bullied her. Alexis says that the word “bully” doesn’t really matter so much as the fact that the women were just mean to her.  She’s tired of hearing about it as much as everyone else is. She’s past it.  Plus 12.  Heather blames Alexis for the events at the CUT Fitness party because Alexis talked over Heather. But Heather  never does that, does she? Nope. Not Heather. No way.  Minus 2. Alexis calls Gretchen a liar and Gretchen calls Alexis fake on camera. Gretchen gets accused of being fake on camera but says the cameras actually show a lot of things about her that aren’t so flattering.  Vicki says that Gretchen is fake on camera and says she doesn’t think Gretchen’s proposal to Slade would’ve happened if she hadn’t been able to do it on camera.  Tamra says it’s been discussed and there’s been talk about the timing of their engagement. Lydia and Heather both question the timing and Lydia says Gretchen proposed to Slade because she didn’t have a story this season.  Heather calls her out on not inviting their friends to the engagement party. Gretchen says the girls just can’t let her be happy and Heather calls the proposal “hollow.”  While watching the playback, Gretchen starts to cry. Tamra goes over to comfort her ( Plus 10 ) while Alexis and Vicki shake their heads in disbelief.  Vicki says she didn’t mean to make Gretchen cry. She doesn’t want Gretchen to hurt.  Gretchen says that the thing that hurt most about the engagement party was that Alexis, the one person who never had anything negative to say about her relationship with Slade, wasn’t there.  EPISODE TOTAL: -13 SEASON TOTAL: -247

The Real Housewives of Orange County Reunion Recap: Liars, Liars, Pants on Fire

Daddy-Step-Daddy Preciousness: Djimon Hounsou Out And About With Kenzo Along With Ming Lee And Aoki [Photo]

Here is Djimon Hounsou at Malibu Country Mart with his stepdaughters and son Kenzo Lee Hounsou, Ming Lee Simmons and Aoki Lee Simmons. Awwww, they looks so happy to be together. Good for them. WENN

Read more:
Daddy-Step-Daddy Preciousness: Djimon Hounsou Out And About With Kenzo Along With Ming Lee And Aoki [Photo]

Ben And His Brood

Big Ben Affleck and all his girls took a little shopping trip to Malibu Country Mart.

The rest is here:
Ben And His Brood

Tom Gives Gisele a Backrub at Lunch

• Tom Brady and pregnant wife Gisele B