Tag Archives: man with the iron fists

Movieline Predicts the 2011 Golden Globes’ Movie Winners

After checking out our bold, bulletproof predictions from the television side , it’s time for you to see how your Golden Globes ballot squares up with our movie picks. Weigh in below with any comments, concerns, subplots and/or shocking upsets of your own, and we’ll regroup here Sunday night to see where the chips fall. Or rather, drunkenly stumble to the stage, weave to the microphone, and then fall.

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Movieline Predicts the 2011 Golden Globes’ Movie Winners

Is Eli Roth Co-Directing RZA’s Kung Fu Epic?

An air of mystery (and, understandably, confusion) has surrounded the awesome-in-theory directorial debut of Wu-Tang Clan rapper-turned-actor RZA, who began filming his period kung fu epic The Man with the Iron Fists last month in China. With the plot largely under wraps — it involves a weapons-forging blacksmith in feudal China to be played by RZA himself, because of course! — production details from the period film have been kept largely on the hush, aside from co-producer / co-writer Eli Roth’s colorful tweets from the set. That is, until a few cast members began posting (non-spoilery) reports from the set describing how things are going.

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Is Eli Roth Co-Directing RZA’s Kung Fu Epic?