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Dr. Oz Sued for Painful, Failed Insomnia Cure

A New Jersey resident named Frank Dietl has sued Dr. Oz because he claims an insomnia cure recommended by the talk show host left him with third-degree burns. The remedy – titled “knap-sack heated rice footsie” – was outlined by Oz on April 17, 2012. It asks the patient to fill a pair of socks with uncooked rice; heat them up via microwave; and then place said socks on one’s feet. Oz did warn viewers to be careful with the temperature of the socks, but Dietl claims they burned him nonetheless. According to The Associated Press, he has therefore filed a lawsuit Manhattan State Supreme Court. There’s been no response yet from anyone at The Dr. Oz Show . But Oz clearly has an effect on his viewers: Oprah’s good friend was recently named one of the year’s top 10 most influential celebrities by Forbes .

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Dr. Oz Sued for Painful, Failed Insomnia Cure