Tag Archives: manipulation

Spraying the Skies: 1975 U.S. Patent for Powder Contrail Generation

Posted in this story is a very interesting PDF available for download here for a 1975 U.S. Patent issued to Donald K. Werle, Romas Kasparas, Sidney Katz, assigned through the U.S. Navy, that describes a dispersion method for a “powder contrail.” As other researchers have also pointed out, the Powder Contrail Generation patent document could be a useful clue into the true agenda and purpose of the “chemtrail” phenomenon, which is clearly tied to almost a century of man-made weather manipulation. Already, it is admitted that the government has experimented with geo-engineering, which is says would help reflect heat and combat phony global warming / climate change. It also references 5 other patents that deal with aviation fuel dispersants that go back to the 1920s. It further references the “chaff” application, as to create a radar jamming reflective screen, and other potential applications, including the use of numerous other powder formulas. • March 1, 1927 Patent #1619183 by Bradner and Olgesby for the Process of Producing Smoke Clouds from Moving Aircraft • June 30, 1936 Patent# 2045865 by Glen H. Morey and assigned by Phillips Petroleum for Skywriting Apparatus • April 8, 1952 Patent# 2591988 by Oswin B. Willcox and assigned to “Pont DU” (a.k.a. DuPont?) for Process for producing improved tio2 titanium pigments •See Also: April 8, 1969 Patent# 3437502 by Alfred J. Werner and assigned to “Pont DU” for TITANIUM DIOXIDE PIGMENT COATED WITH SILICA AND ALUMINA • September 29, 1970 Patent# 3531310 by Neil C. Goodspeed, Russell R. May Jr. and Joseph Ross assigned to PPG Industries for PRODUCTION OF IMPROVED METAL OXIDE PIGMENT • February 1924 Patent# R15771 by Savage • March 1966 Patent# 1022621 in United Kingdom FULL STORY and LIST OF RELATED PATENTS HERE: http://www.infowars.com/spraying-the-skies-1975-u-s-patent-for-powder-contrail-g… added by: im1mjrpain

Olivia Munn does GQ in her Panties of the Day

I hate Olivia Munn because I am onto her scam. She’s a bottom feeding piece of shit who happens to have a decent PR company behind her. She landed a cable show that no one expected anyone to really watch, that catered to virgin losers, and threw her in the mix as the “hot” chick who understood virgin losers and virgin loser issues, like videogames, technology, the internet, comic books and a variety of loser virgin things that lead to virgin losers thinking they had a chance with her, and that despite her not being as hot as the Hentai porn they jerk off to, her personality and understanding of them just takes her to another level. It’s a scam, she was never into that shit, she just knew she was onto something when she found out how virgin losers think, and the loyalty they have to people who bother talking to them. I know for a fact Olivia Munn was not a geek in high school, but the girl trying to fit in with the hot girls, snobbing out the geeks, before she realized shit will carry her career and land her in magazines the pretty girls she once tried to fit in with never will. I fucking hate this lying cunt and I don’t find her fun, funny, interesting, cool, or anything other than annoying. I just hope God punishes her for all the manipulation she has done to weak minded people for personal gain. Fucking cunt. But on a sidenote, I was featured on her G4 TV show once, unfortunately the only TV coverage I’ve ever had…but I think they were just trying to fool me into liking her….well it didn’t fucking work. Here are her panties in GQ like she was an actual model, even though she clearly is not… This is really like some Tila Tequila being popular on Myspace so they gave her a show…only of a lesser quality…. I should stop this post now….fine….I will.

Read the original post:
Olivia Munn does GQ in her Panties of the Day

Warehouse 13’s Relic Roundup: H.G. Wells Joins the Team (Sort Of)

If a singular element of Warehouse 13’s teetering-on-too-cheesy, summer-TV blend propelled the first season (more than any other), it was the manipulation of the Artifact of the Week by the Villain of the Week. The schemes of our foes, last season, were far more compelling than the returned rally of our heroes. Or maybe I’m just remembering Lewis Carroll’s mirror really fondly, but that’s beside the point!

See the article here:
Warehouse 13’s Relic Roundup: H.G. Wells Joins the Team (Sort Of)