Tag Archives: lewis-carroll

Warehouse 13’s Relic Roundup: H.G. Wells Joins the Team (Sort Of)

If a singular element of Warehouse 13’s teetering-on-too-cheesy, summer-TV blend propelled the first season (more than any other), it was the manipulation of the Artifact of the Week by the Villain of the Week. The schemes of our foes, last season, were far more compelling than the returned rally of our heroes. Or maybe I’m just remembering Lewis Carroll’s mirror really fondly, but that’s beside the point!

See the article here:
Warehouse 13’s Relic Roundup: H.G. Wells Joins the Team (Sort Of)

Alice In Wonderland (Original Manuscript)

Excerpts from Lewis Carrol's original manuscript for Alice in Wonderland . He did a really nice job on this one. ( Via .) The Best Links: Virtual books: images only – Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures Under Ground BuzzFeed: Alice In Wonderland Buzz View

America Supports Pedophiles of the Day

I know you probably won’t care about this, but Lewis Carroll, the guy who wrote Alice in Wonderland, used to take pictures of 8 year old girls naked. If you go to his Wikipedia Page , you can see some of those pictures. I’m not breaking this stories, I’m just reminding the public that your favorite kids story and now the most popular movie in theaters had a pretty seedy history. Sure some of the great minds used to sexualize kids, from Michael Jackson to Greek philosophers and the foundation of our society was pretty much built on 14 year old wives, and this just may be another example of how the world will just support what they are told to support, or maybe it tells us that people won’t discriminate against a person’s work based on his personal life….if it’s a good story, it’s a good story, even if a whole lot of 10 year old girls got naked in the making of it… I guess it doesn’t matter, but Lewis Carroll is the Pedophile of the day…

Go here to see the original:
America Supports Pedophiles of the Day

Alice In Wonderland – 1903 Version

Link: http://www.neatorama.com/2010/02/26/a… From the British Film Institute Archive comes this first-ever film adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s book. Read


Last night, just before falling off to la la land, (that’s a brothel in south Queens), we learned a disturbing fact from one of Mario Lopez’s tweets: I interviewed Bristol Palin’s baby daddy- Levi Johnston. Nice guy.Very shy and quiet. Loves moose hunting.

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Palin quit because she couldn”t take the heat, says Levi Johnston

The ex-boyfriend of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s daughter, Levi Johnston, has claimed that Palin has decided to resign because she could not take the political heat anymore. “She’’s very smart. But, I just don”t think she can handle the stress level as governor — I don”t think she can handle it as president or vice president,” the Daily News quoted Johnston, as saying

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Palin quit because she couldn”t take the heat, says Levi Johnston

Pat Buchanan Hates Mexicans. (Levi Johnston, Specifically.)

This morning on MSNBC’s Morning Joe , the reanimated corpse of Pat Buchanan was asked to weigh in on what’s next for Sarah Palin, the woman who no longer wants to be the queen of something called Alaska because it’s costing someone somewhere too much money to keep her in office. Buchanan responded in what is properly the most appropriate manner possible when discussing a woman whose sentences read like Lewis Carroll’s poetry

Here is the original post:
Pat Buchanan Hates Mexicans. (Levi Johnston, Specifically.)