Tag Archives: lightning-rod

Scheduling Apocalypse: Fox Moves American Idol To Wednesday And Thursday

Thursday night is rapidly turning into the network equivalent of the O.K. Corral. First CBS, sensing weakness on the part of NBC’ s comedies, moved The Big Bang Theory and $#*! My Dad Says into the 8 PM berth formerly held by Survivor . NBC responded by doubling-down and expanding their night into a 3 hour comedy behemoth. And now Fox is looking to join the fight. Check out their full, new midseason line-up after the break.

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Scheduling Apocalypse: Fox Moves American Idol To Wednesday And Thursday

Anthrax Scare At Dancing With The Stars

An envelope containing white powder was sent to the Dancing With The Stars offices in CBS Television City in Los Angeles. The offices were evacuated as a precoation and authorities were called in. The white powder was determined to be talcum powder and the workers were allowed to return to their offices. Authorities have not yet revealed who the letter was addressed to, but it’s widely assumed to have been sent to controversy lightning rod Bristol Palin; after all, who would really go to the trouble to start a vendetta against the chubby kid from That’s So Raven ? [ Deadline ]

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Anthrax Scare At Dancing With The Stars

Buzz Break: Kenneth the Page is a Dirty Traitor

The Trailer for Inside Job Will Piss You Off

Calling all Howard Beales! The trailer has arrived for Inside Job , the newest lightning rod documentary from No End in Sight director Charles Ferguson, and it will probably make you want to get up from your chairs, open the window, stick your head out and… you get the idea.

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The Trailer for Inside Job Will Piss You Off

Heidi Montag: I Like My New Chin Best (Mark Gray/People.com)

Mark Gray / People.com: Heidi Montag: I Like My New Chin Best  —  Heidi Montag will be getting more plastic surgery – just not anytime soon.  —  “Eventually”, she says, “for maintenance.”  —  The MTV star, who has been a lightning rod since undergoing 10 procedures in one day, is … Continue reading

Hollywood News – Carrie Prejean Sex Tape?

Former Miss California Carrie Prejean has been a lightning rod for controversy ever since her appearance at the Miss America pageant.

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Hollywood News – Carrie Prejean Sex Tape?

Pat Buchanan Hates Mexicans. (Levi Johnston, Specifically.)

This morning on MSNBC’s Morning Joe , the reanimated corpse of Pat Buchanan was asked to weigh in on what’s next for Sarah Palin, the woman who no longer wants to be the queen of something called Alaska because it’s costing someone somewhere too much money to keep her in office. Buchanan responded in what is properly the most appropriate manner possible when discussing a woman whose sentences read like Lewis Carroll’s poetry

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Pat Buchanan Hates Mexicans. (Levi Johnston, Specifically.)

Column: ‘Why Trig Palin has divided America’

Gary Bauer and Daniel Allott write in Politico.com that Trig Palin has become a lightning rod for criticism against his mother, Sarah Palin.Bauer (no relation) and Allott say the “hateful response” that greeted Palin on the campaign trail last year carried “eugenic overtones” and reflected a “broader societal bias against disability.” Trig Palin has Down syndrome. An excerpt:Palin is controversial, in part, because America is divided over disability. We’ve established laws and institutions that

The rest is here:
Column: ‘Why Trig Palin has divided America’