Tag Archives: margaret cho

Margaret Cho Has an Orgasm While Reading of the Day

I’ve seen this Youtube video concept of girls reading while riding some kind of vibrator until they reach orgasm….an idea I thought was clever and worth watching because I appreciate good literature and by good literature I mean clothed girls reaching orgasms….except when it is Margaret Cho…because she is digusting…

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Margaret Cho Has an Orgasm While Reading of the Day

Movieline’s Favorite Palin Feud of the Day: The FCC vs. Bristol

For what it’s worth, this just started as a joke. If three is a trend, though, then five is a tsunami. To catch you up: First, Meghan McCain took on Bristol Palin for not voting ; then Keith Olbermann attacked her for being a hypocrite; then Margaret Cho said she only did Dancing with the Stars because her mother made her. Kathy Griffin blasted Bristol too , but her lobbed insult was so insignificant it didn’t even warrant a Palin Feud of the Day label. Nope, that’s reserved for this: A handful of very upset Dancing with the Stars fans decided the FCC was the best place to voice their displeasure over Bristol’s improbable run to the finals. Strap in, America. This is happening.

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Movieline’s Favorite Palin Feud of the Day: The FCC vs. Bristol

Bristol Palin’s Stale Lesbian Joke Repertoire [Oh Snap]

Comedian Margaret Cho and teen mother Bristol Palin were on Dancing With the Stars together. Last week, Cho claimed that Sarah Palin forced Bristol to participate . So Bristol hit Facebook (as Palins do) with a rebuttal. And a lesbian joke. More

Dancing with the Stars Elimination: Bomb Drop!

Dancing with the Stars ‘s first elimination is always such a divine embarrassment. What compares to the moment when an oiled-up pseudo-celeb stands under a spotlight, congratulates himself on his “spirited” cha-cha-cha, and listens just long enough to hear Tom Bergeron fire his ass? Well, I enjoyed it. Now that the first loser has been declared, let’s re-watch his/her routine once more and figure out where it went wrong.

The rest is here:
Dancing with the Stars Elimination: Bomb Drop!